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Deck Ideas => Post Deck Ideas Here => Trio & Quartet => Topic started by: Uncle Jellyfish on December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm

Title: Deja Vu Rush Verson 2.0
Post by: Uncle Jellyfish on December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm
Well, I've been messing around in the trainer due to the server's downtime, and I thought back to my old Deja Vu rush deck. It was fun, but not very practical. I've done some improvisions to it, and now, I think, it runs even better. It's a THREE ELEMENT deck, so I wasn't sure where to put it, but oh well.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q1 7q1 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80b 80b 80b 80b 8ps

Here are some shots of the deck in action.



Like before, the deck isn't really that viable, but it's hilariously fun to play. Stompy Deja Vus are fun. =D

Comments and suggestions are welcome. =D
Title: Deja Vu Rush Verson 2.0
Post by: oaky180 on December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm

Deja Vu's are not my favorite, but it looks interesting enough.
Do you have a win ratio for AI 3's?
Title: Deja Vu Rush Verson 2.0
Post by: Uncle Jellyfish on December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm

Deja Vu's are not my favorite, but it looks interesting enough.
Do you have a win ratio for AI 3's?
Well, it's 11/11 so far, lol, if that means anything. In the screen shots, it won in 7 turns, and then in 8 turns, but from what I've noticed, most matches last 6-8 turns on average. It's not as fast as other decks, but it's fun to play, and would be a welcome variation to PvP.
Title: Deja Vu Rush Verson 2.0
Post by: oaky180 on December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm

Deja Vu's are not my favorite, but it looks interesting enough.
Do you have a win ratio for AI 3's?
Well, it's 11/11 so far, lol, if that means anything. In the screen shots, it won in 7 turns, and then in 8 turns, but from what I've noticed, most matches last 6-8 turns on average. It's not as fast as other decks, but it's fun to play, and would be a welcome variation to PvP.
It would take a daring person to play a deck like this. I'm going to say that it is not quite good enough for pvp (I hope it's cool to say that, since you said it was not.  the best) Most pvp people are now rainbow, fire, aether or something simple like that. But, I agree, it would be very welcome.
Title: Deja Vu Rush Verson 2.0
Post by: Uncle Jellyfish on December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm

Well, I don't have the resources to test this deck in PvP, but I can conclude that it probably wouldn't work too well against rainbow, but it might stand a chance against some decks.
Title: Deja Vu Rush Verson 2.0
Post by: Scaredgirl on December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm

Otyugh, Rain of Fire, etc.
Title: Deja Vu Rush Verson 2.0
Post by: Uncle Jellyfish on December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm

Otyugh, Rain of Fire, etc.
Lol, of course. I thought of that right away. However, it's still fun to play. XD
Title: Deja Vu Rush Verson 2.0
Post by: Terroking on December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm

I remember when i was just starting, there was someone in chat (forget the name) who would PvP, and get a spam of 20/20 de ja vu's by using chaos power and blessing repeatedly on one and then waiting for PU, and i remember thinking i would win, and then saw his de ja vus come out and deal 100+ damage.

I'm going to try to make something like his deck and post it here...

Title: Deja Vu Rush Verson 2.0
Post by: Terroking on December 15, 2009, 10:09:55 pm

Well i managed to find the image URL to there was no unnessisary testing in trainer


ah, now i remember him trying to come up with the nickname and everyone settling on deja pu for PU, even though he had twins

EDIT: tested this out in trainer, and it works marvelously good even with broken sundails, you just have to wait until you can buff the deja's at least twice before putting him out

EDIT: i also tested this against some gods and it works OK, maybe 40-60% win rate, but not if you you quit early, i just faced fire queen and she lost half her flies + 2 EE's and her queens to shield, because it wasn't doing anything earlier, then i got rain of fire, and used 2 PU's on my 12/18 deja vu, deplicated next turn and won the game with 11 hp left. i'l try to get a screenie next time something cool happens

that was a t50 game where i really could have done much better if i had waited one more turn but still ended up with pulvy ftw

this was really the AI's fault in letting me copy his golem and then spam bless it, and i only did that because i had no daja vu's.

gotta love those pulvs and PUs