What? Yes! Day Traitors is a fun (and effective) FG KiLLa...Akebono-no-no-no
First attempt and I draw possibly the worst match-up, Decay...
3 RoL on first turn, a Solar Buckler + Nightmare on second turn... then Decay fractals his new RoL for me, what a nice FG
Destiny's child, is a traitorous boy!
Divine Glory, not so divine.
Elidnis EM'd
Eternal Phoenix, yet unrisen from the ashes...
Ferox-ide Blonde
Gemini May21-June20 Today you will meet a tall, dark, handsome traitor.
Hecate, a tough one with no bucklers drawn... won by the skin of my teeth & an improved miracle!
Hermetically sealed into oblivion... bye bye Hermes...
Incarnate ... call yourself a FG? pah. EM'd.
Jezebel, my dear
Miracle, miracle on the wall, who is the greatest traitor of them all?
Move over Morte, there's a new deck in town...
Octane, if truth be told, I was very lucky, and on my first attempt.
Osiris, they thought it couldn't be done...
Paradox cannot be beaten, except when he's beaten...
Paint the whole world with a Rainbow!
Short Serket
What? Am I about to EM Scorpio? YES!!!
The traitorous version I'm using:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5ur 5ur 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7jq 7jt 7jt 7jt 7jt 7ju 7jv 7jv 7jv 7k2 7k5 7k5 7k5 7k5 7n2 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 8pt
Im using the Archangel, because I only had 2 Light Dragons (from my RoL deck).
However, the Archangel should be dropped for a Crusader/Light Dragon/Vamp stilletto/other.