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I challenged myself to make a deck to show that SoV can be competitive in PvP2. After lots of testing with terrible results I finally came upon this final version.
This has just enough stall to beat most rushes as well as more than enough Siphon Lives so you can use them for multiple purposes (like killing creatures or draining just enough to survive for a Miracle).
You need to get SoV out fast while also being able to deal multiple forms of damage to your opponent if necessary and then still needing to stay alive long enough for all that to work. With this in mind, I playtested until I found what I believe is the best number of copies for each card without running too low or high on any one card.
With this said:
-1 Siphon can be done as well. This is a change I haven't determined to be better or worse overall. 3 Miracles and 6 Sundials are required to survive in some match ups. 6 SoV are an obvious necessity. Vampire Dagger and Duck Shield are too good not to have but RNG is too cruel for there to be more than one copy of each. 11 Light Pends are required to power Miracle reliably without lowering the SoV draw chance too much.
This deck is very effective and can take out anything from a 60 card mono to PDials.