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7dp 7mt 7n6 7n6 7n6 7n6 7n6 7n6 7n8 7n8 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 7ri 8pr
This is not a serious deck. It is meant for fun. It is capable of killing AI3, and sometimes T50. I don't know how it would do in PvP, but I imagine that with a lucky draw and/or the element of surprise on your side, you could win.
Since the half the deck is quanta generation, you stand a decent chance of getting an Hourglass out on the first or second turn. If an Hourglass doesn't show up in the first few turns, you're in trouble. However, when you do get a decent start, it usually takes me about 11 turns to win. You'll be taking damage during most of those turns, but Wings makes for excellent stalling.
I am aware that this deck is shut down very easily: Pulverizer, Butterfly Effect, Earthquake, Jade Shield, Mirror Shield. It experiences various other problems.
Possible Minor Modifications:
-Replace a single Pendulum with a Time Tower.
-Take a single Wings, and add another card.
-Replace a Wings with Fog Shield.
-If you don't have Damselfly, take DeJaVu instead of Dragonfly.
-Skip the shields entirely, and add CC as you see fit (Shockwave, Thunderstorm, Rewind)
StrategyThere's some strategy involved in playing this deck. Amazing, no?
You will need to have these, at the bare minimum, in order to deal a killing blow:
5 Gases, 1 Damselfly, 1 Cremation, 25 Air Quanta
The Hourglasses:
You want one out as soon as possible. You will almost always have the quanta to draw with it. I usually chose to draw again, rather than play another Hourglass, when I have exactly 4
earlygame. The chance of drawing a Pillar/Pendulum is pretty good, and playing it will let you set down the other Hourglass. When you have 10 cards remaining in your deck, you will probably want to reduce how many cards you draw a turn depending on what you are lacking.
The Gases:
You need five of these, bare minimum, for the kill. I usually have them sit in my hand until I can play all of them. I do not advise using them early as CC, since this runs the risk of them being destroyed, and your opponent can usually heal back the lost HP. Your Hourglasses should draw out most of your opponent's Explosions, if they have any, before you play your Gases.
The Damselfly:
Only play it if you are absolutely certain that your opponent has no CC whatsoever. It will help get your Air Quanta up. Otherwise, have it hide in your hand as well.
The Air Quanta:
The number of Pillars and Pendulums has been adjusted to the best of my ability to have you ready with 25 Air Quanta by the time you have your killing blow ready. If you are well off from 25 Air Quanta by the time you hit 10 cards, slow down your draws. Don't play Wings unless you must, since every Air Quanta counts.
Questions, comments, concerns? I'd like to hear what people have to say about it.