ttw = 5.82 for the 50 games i tested
vamp daggers help prevent death from other rushes
precogs speed up everything overall, being pillarless/towerless, you rely on having both a ball lightning and cremation in your opening hand, but if you dont have that, but you have a precog, on your second turn you are drawing 2 cards increasing your chances of getting what you need. so not only can it be really fast, with the capability of 4 turn wins, but it can recover quickly from bad starting hands.
idiot, this deck can beat them all too, it would all depend on getting the perfect starting hand, and the fg not getting any cc at all, plus not doing more than 100 dmg before you get the 200 in, i guess your name speaks true
so? a lot of lava destroyer rushes out there can beat FGs
uh no, majority, including this one, of all rush decks will lose 19/20 times due to no defense, because rushes are made to rush, not to stall, thanks, dont come again : )