This looks pretty awesome actually.
I would say to switch the mark to air, remove the wings/air pillars, and add some earth pillars. Air mark powering the spiders should be good enough to keep just about everything webbed as soon as it comes out, and earth pillars'll let you spam your wardens with no regard for quanta. Removing wings will cost you a few health, but if things are working properly, all the opponent's creatures should be either dead or delayed. If you're worried about defense, you could add in a fog shield or two, which would still be able to be powered off the mark.
edit: If you remove the air cards, I'm almost tempted to say to add a fractal, since you'd have enough room to fit it in and pay for it (with some extra aether pillars), and a field full of wardens is an entertaining concept. However I doubt it'd actually improve the performance most of the time. But it'd be fun.