Deck Helper comment: This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now. Use at your own risk.
Have you ever imagined what it'd be like if
The Thing was fighting alongside you as you made a name for yourself in the Elements world? I can't say I have, but this deck was enough to put that image in my head anyways:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 786 786 786 786 786 7dm 7dm 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 8pm
?s are 6x Shard of Bravery, 5x Shard of Integrity
The concept of this deck is pretty straightforward, but the issue of what to do with the Shards can be a bit confusing. As a general rule of thumb, I like to play my SoB's either when I'm not holding any SoI in my hand or when I do not have 2 SoB in my hand. To be more specific, here are the possible combinations of abilities and stats that you can get with this number of Shards:
Spoiler for Awesome Table:
| 1 SoI | 2 SoI | 3 SoI | 4 SoI | 5 SoI |
0 SoB | : Burrow, 2|5 | : Stone form, 4|10 | : Stone form, 6|15 | : Guard, 8|20 | : Guard, 10|25 |
1 SoB | : Burrow, 6|6 | : Stone Form, 8|11 | : Stone Form, 10|16 | : Guard, 12|21 | : Guard, 14|26 |
2 SoB | : Ablaze, 10|7 | : Ablaze, 12|12 | : Ablaze, 14|17 | : Guard, 16|22 | : Guard, 18|27 |
3 SoB | Fiery, 14|8 | Fiery, 16|13 | Fiery, 18|18 | : Guard, 20|23 | : Guard, 22|28 |
4 SoB | Fiery, 18|9 | Fiery, 20|14 | Fiery, 22|19 | : Guard, 24|24 | Hand limitations |
5 SoB | : Destroy, 22|10 | : Destroy, 24|15 | : Destroy, 26|20 | Hand limitations | Hand limitations |
6 SoB | : Rage, 26|11 | : Rage, 28|16 | Hand limitations | Hand limitations | Hand limitations |
Note that Fiery in this case is nearly completely useless because the ability grants extra attack based on
, not
Which ability you choose to aim for with your Golem is almost completely dependent on the opponent. If your opponent's trying to rush you then it might be better to try and give yourself the Guard ability. However, I almost always find it best to aim for an Ablaze Golem simply because this deck's pretty darn fast and just about anything else would slow it down. I have yet to get a Golem possessing either Destroy or Rage as an ability, as a forewarning. 6 SoB for speed, 5 SoI for draw chance (the more SoI in hand, the higher your Golem's HP becomes, and the less prone it becomes to creature control). The deck can go as fast as 5TTW even with the Singularity nerf limiting Supernova usage.
Using SoB versus using SoI:
-> I personally only activate SoB when the number of SoB in my hand already present does not equal 2. Otherwise I'm not getting the Ablaze ability and chances are my speed will be reduced.
-> Once I have 2 SoB in hand then that's a green light to play any SoI I have in hand.
-> Unless you're holding 2 SoB in your hand already when you draw another SoI, it's probably okay to play them immediately.
-> Remember that the amount of cards you draw from SoB is dependent on the amount your opponent draws. You'll need to be a good judge of when drawing 1 or waiting to draw 2 cards will suffice.
Any other questions I can answer in reply form.