Q: @ ALL: If a noob comes and tells you Water sucks and they have weak creatures, blah blah....How will you respond?[insert noob's name], Water is A LOT better than you think. It is a complicated element, and you're still too new to use Water properly, no offense. I strongly recommend you buy a Death, Lava Golem, or Shrieker rush (if you need to know what's in those decks, I'll tell you) to get a bunch of electrum. Once you have the capability of upgrading cards, you can start using a Water deck, and you WILL feel how awesome Water is. Opponent has a badass creature? BAM! frozen. Opponent has several badass creatures? BAM! permafrost shield! Want to make a very good duo? Water should be on the top of your list. It has very good synergies with different elements, and even if it is used by itself, Water has offensive power in Pufferfish and Abyss Crawlers. (both of them are upgraded, so you're too nooby to get them right now, which is why you think Water's creatures suck) Water is flexible like that. You have a lot to choose if you want to use a deck using Water, but only if you have the electrum and deck-building skills for it. You'll learn.
This is almost exactly what I will say to a noob in Kongregate's chat rooms, lol. The people in Kong are noobish to the core (except the people that come from this forum, like jmdt, Higu, hrmmm, etc.)
Q: @guolin, You are one of the best card-makers. Are you confident that you will win?First of all, I thank you for the compliment. I believe that I have a good chance of winning, but I have some heavy competition.

I have invested a lot of my time in the Trials - my sacrificed time
will be worth it.