For all candidates:
Which card in
is most underused (comparing actual use in competitive play to your opinion of its true strength), and provide an example of a deck that uses that card. The deck in question may have any number of elements present and any total number of water cards, so long as your example deck contains at least 3 copies of the named card. Be sure to specify the purpose of the deck (i.e. is it intended for Leagues, Leagues with shards, War, or a specific PVP Event in recent memory?).
Trident/BB, or Serpentine as I label it, is in my opinion the single most powerful deck we have access to in a lot of situations. It would be viable in basically every metagame as a decent change-of-pace deck, at the very least. In Water Trials, specifically, it's a monster if not played around.
Which elements best counters Water mono/duo vs. mono/duo, besides Aether?
In general, Air. Wings is very powerful against us, due to no airborne damagers other than our dragon, they large amount of CC to handle those, and our lack of PC.When you factor duos into the equation, however, the answer because less clear. I might still say Air when with PC cards, but I'd consider also Entropy and Darkness due to how well-rounded they are.
To all:
[Nymph's Tears] <- Compare using a deck of these and another element as opposed to an in-element nymph you want, assuming you have those in-element nymphs. Would you ever use NT as a replacement to an actual nymph of a card you have?
And what about NT versus Nymph Queen?
Yes, in certain situations, using Tears to create nymphs over putting that specific nymph in your deck is preferrable. The reason for this is because, when built as such, you have the option to create a Queen, to cover for nymphs particularly weak to CC by making more of them, and to assist nymphs with low damage. We also have natural access to powerful defensive options the other element may synergize well with.
As for NT vs Queen, comparing unupgraded to upped, Tears is 7 to make that first Queen, but playing Queen from hand is 8. But you lose one more pillar with Tears, so in general, I recommend using Tears when you have a surplus of of water pillars, and Queen when you don't. Upgraded, the cost difference becomes two, so you would normally just run Tears.
To all candidates:
*) Aside from its lack of PC, do you think Water has any other noteworthy problems?
*) In your opinion, which element pulls the least effective duo with Water (and why would that be)?
*) In your opinion, which element pulls the most effective duo with Water (and why would that be)?
1) I don't, honestly. We have multiple forms of damage, including power, swarm, spell, and stallbreak. We have strong defenses. We have direct synergy with 6 elements and indirect synergy with the others without being reliant on them, but we also have potent mono cards. PC is our only hole, but it's a big one.
2) As stated above, Gravity. To elaborate, this is because there's not a lot of strong synergy between them directly. I grew fond of Accel Crawlers testing it for Phase 2, but personally I think our best Gravity decks are Nymphcord and Frozen Catatitans, both of which are trios.
3) The most effective duo
deck, in my experience, is Trident/BB, but the most versatile combination is Water/Darkness. Squid has natural synergy with the typical Darkness domin cards, SoP combos well with both Vampires and Devourers, our 13 attack dragon is great with LS, and all of these love Cloak.