You are 15minutes late for a job interview, but you just remember that your supposed to pick your son up after school. What do you do?
--no timetravel, timestopping or alternating time in any way.
Hmm... an unlikely scenario for several reasons, but let's suppose it happens. Since I'm already late for the job interview, someone else is probably being interviewed right now. I'd probably call them that I'll be late, and if they don't agree to interview me later, it's their problem that they are losing a great opportunity to hire a skilled specialist like me

In the meantime I pick up my son, then I inform the school that I'll teach him myself in da house, since I don't really like the system of education in my country. IMHO schools should prioritize on inspiring passions and interests in children, so that they would love to learn by themselves. Also, schools should teach abilities such as
speed reading (without subvocalization) and mnemonics BEFORE trying to force children to learn tons of information by heart, if at all. As long as the system of education is not improved, the only positive side of schools I can see is that you can meet a lot of interesting people and make friends there. Thus, I'm probably going to teach my children myself until they reach enough maturity to learn by themselves (and can return home after school by themselves). Of course there are things that I cannot teach since I don't know them myself, but in such a situation I'd find someone who can. I still need to find a good solution to the possible problem that my children might become too isolated, but I guess that shouldn't be too hard.
Anyway, based on my personal experience, you can teach computer programming to children as young as 7-8 years old, maybe even younger, if you manage to incite their interest in this topic. I remember writing my first programs in Pascal around that age, although I mostly played with the turbo pascal software using it to create ASCII art

The fact that the majority of teenagers/adults consider things such as programming, science, psychology and other stuff to be complex only proves how ineffective education is. IMHO. Now... the only complex problem is how to teach morals and ethics, since they are more important than other education... I guess I'll have to depend on my highly secret
sensei-jutsu techniques to do so. I hope this works.
Oh, and by the way, I don't have children yet. Nor a wife. Nor a girlfriend. I'm probably a no-life programmer, nerd and geek who spends his entire life in front of a computer screen. And never seen a girl in real life.
j/k ... or maybe not?
It is one thing to know thyself. It is another to know thy enemy.
What is Aether?
Personally I don't consider any element, nor any player, nor even other teams in events such as wars, as enemies. I don't like having enemies, so I don't treat anyone like an enemy. If we fight, it's for fun. If my opponents don't enjoy fighting with me then it is my own personal failure. Or something.
To be honest, Aether is one of the elements I'd try forming an alliance with, since there are so many Time - Aether synergies, but if the rules forbid this then I'm going to fight aether as equals. Why should we kill what is immortal? Why should they end what is eternal?
For fun of course

Doing the impossible is always fun.
Thus, for me, Aether is a mate to fight for fun and to ally with for even more fun. I hope
icybraker thinks the same about Time.
What time is it Mr./Mrs. Wolf?
(answer as creatively as possible)
*Imperial March playing in the background*
It is Time I finally told you the truth.
I am your mother-in-law Hyroen!
*Hyroen jumps into a chasm*
*Hyroen cuts off his arm to become m04r epic*
*Xinef rewinds Hyroen*
Hello!. I got a couple of questions for u guys.
1. Which of these qualities should a Master have and why?(Pls choose one from the list.)
Honesty,Compassion,Passion, Diligence,Integrity,Patience,Respectful,Attitude or Others.(if any)
2. Which of these qualities should a Master NOT have and why?(Pls choose one from the list.)
Boastfulness,Proud,Laziness,Disrespectful towards others,Dishonesty,Ill-Tempered, or Others.(if any)
1. Passion, since a master is there to improve his element, and this is impossible without a passionate approach.
2. Disrespectful towards others, since as long as he respects others, he will avoid harming them through other negative qualities you mentioned.
All the deckbuilding questions.
Arghh.... too much war... I died at least 2 times already, and I still need to design war decks?
*starts a "Make love not war" protest*
Against Pandebonium... maybe a fractal scarab deck could work. Momentum dragons is also an option. Anyway, reminding me of the deck that killed me is kinda cruel.
Discord graboids... I guess I could try to stall with sundials until I can start a phase shield chain (despite EQs and Discords) then play a few devonians (or fractal deja vu if at least 3 upped cards are allowed).
Dissipation BH deck... momentum+dune scorps+pharaohs or a darkness/time deck with a lot of steals and devourers + a nightfall, pharaohs to use the Time quanta. Stealing discords would be a priority.
Dune Scorpion deck... 6 Rewinds + Eternity to counter dunes. Water mark + a few purifys. Dragons as a winning condition (since water/time has no good way to counter those nasty sundials, RTs and procrastination
