Oni's question updated - here (the last question) (
Make an essay (by essay i mean any piece of writing
) on timetravel. In 10 mins, watch in hand. (Not allowed to continue sentence, when ten minutes are passed stop writing and post).
A few years back, I was fascinated by the origin of universe. I read quite a few books about the relationship between time and space, and the endless possibilities beyond our imagination. I also came across a few TV Drama/movie, such as Back to the Future, Doctor Who (which talks about a guy who is the last of his species "time lord" and travelling through time) and 7 days (a few American scientist successfully built a time machine from a meteorite that can only go back 7 days in time). All of these inspired me about what we human are capable of, and what we don't know if we are capable of yet. To most people it might be just a story, but I see it as possibilities. What would we become if we can actually go back in time some day in the future? Can we really change the world by just merely appearing out of the historical thin air? Is it really possible to meet ancient civilization and learn from their secrets? I hope... (10 minutes)
In card gaming (trading, collecting or otherwise), it's usually a given factor that extra draw power gives players an edge in dueling. In regards to this domain, Time remains supreme over all Elements.
Q: Because Time is currently the only Element in the game with the ability to increase its draw power, the theme of card drawing is commonly seen as something that Time should be able to do, and many card ideas have been shot down due to this factor. Give me an example of a card idea outside of the Time Element that may pass as something being able to increase draw power (I'm only looking for the general idea, don't kill yourself trying to finalize it, balance it, etc.)
In addition, with so much draw power already, do you believe that Time is at its limit in terms of cards with an added draw effect?
Mono time is still considered UP among other monos. If you look at time's card pool, yes there are quite a few cards that can increase the deck's draw power, but we all know that it doesn't work well as a rush. First, time's creatures are relatively high cost. If we want to combine it with draw-power enhancement cards, the quanta demand would be very heavy. Considering the fact that adding cards will reduce the consistency of the deck in early-game, time's draw power is overrated in the in-element environment. Another factor is that other elements have plenty of ways to counter time's build up, because the skills between other elements are fairly diversified.
However, I don't agree there should be a non-time card that possess draw-power enhancement. As I mentioned before, other elements has its own way to counter draw-power. If there is a non-time draw-power enhancement card, it will destroy the little bit of advantage that time possessed.
For draw-power enhancement card we already have all of the three kinds: Hourglass (Permanent), Golden Nymph (Creature with reusable ability), Precognition (Spell). It would be silly to add something similar. I think time can develop a card that deals with opponent's hand (as you can see from original Dune Scorp and GotP), which can enhance the "soft control" of the game and fits the theme perfectly.