For those that like the drama, here is a chat that went on in Chat.
(Deleted the fat)
[06:36:26 PM] xdude: ryan speech is a lie.
[06:36:43 PM] Thatnewguy: What is so bad about the speech?
[06:36:44 PM] 9270984: he says he has a great war record. what he didnt say, how little he did to help team light
[06:37:04 PM] xdude: [20:36:43] Thatnewguy: What is so bad about the speech?[20:36:26] xdude: ryan speech is a lie.
[06:37:09 PM] Thatnewguy: People overlook the facts that make them look bad.
[06:37:25 PM] xdude: that's plain lie.
[06:37:30 PM] xdude: his victories show NOTHING about his skill.
[06:37:57 PM] Thatnewguy: I believe the only reason he won phase 2 is because of 1 sole card. Gravity shield.
[06:38:01 PM] xdude: not an overlooked fact
[06:38:08 PM] xdude: phase 2 was fail of everybody else.
[06:38:09 PM] 9270984: what tng said is true
[06:38:19 PM] xdude: and some bad luck from johann
[06:38:45 PM] aznkid66: i think it was the others' faults for NOT failing against a gravity shield >.>
[06:38:55 PM] aznkid66: heck, just whip up a raging angels + deflag
[06:38:59 PM] Thatnewguy: I blame Rng >.<
[06:39:05 PM] aznkid66: didn't he use the same deck over and over and over?
[06:39:12 PM] Thatnewguy: Basically.
[06:39:13 PM] xdude: yes, he did.
[06:39:14 PM] Dragoon1140: Yes, azn.
[06:39:17 PM] aznkid66: for NOT winning*
[06:39:21 PM] xdude: well, johann tried to counter it
[06:39:26 PM] xdude: he got awful luck
[06:39:29 PM] aznkid66: so its the competition's fault for not making a counter
[06:39:37 PM] Dragoon1140: That's probably because Ryan only has those cards upgraded.
[06:39:40 PM] xdude: jipp... he was just awful in all the fights
[06:39:42 PM] Thatnewguy: DM also tried a deflag deck.
[06:39:49 PM] xdude: and he changed decks with Dm
[06:39:52 PM] morningstar: BL match anyone? I have time for 1 now
[06:40:03 PM] aznkid66: photon is a light card..and it's great for immo..
[06:40:10 PM] Dragoon1140: To be fair to Ryan, though, I would have done the same thing. Why change decks if your opponent cannot counter it?
[06:40:20 PM] Thatnewguy: I used skellies for immolation.
[06:40:21 PM] 9270984: im surprised no one ran vader-sader with steals
[06:40:30 PM] 9270984: or i didnt see anybody who did
[06:40:55 PM] xdude: You would've, Dragoon. But you wouldnt've bragged about your dewckbuilding skills after that.
[06:40:57 PM] Theonlyrealbeef: Dragoon, to me, that only makes me look sad towards other challengers as well
[06:41:38 PM] xdude: I think the only way he could use Phase 2 would be to make all the other guys look bad.
[06:42:07 PM] Ryan666: I did well in phase 2 xdude soooo just stop

[06:42:26 PM] xdude: I never said you didn't

[06:42:36 PM] xdude: I just said you shouldn't've bragged about it.
[06:42:51 PM] aznkid66: because, ryan, you didn't do well
[06:42:57 PM] aznkid66: the others did terribly
[06:43:03 PM] aznkid66: doesn't prove your light-ness at all
[06:43:09 PM] Ryan666: I won 9-0 I think i did pretty well.
[06:43:11 PM] aznkid66: just the others' lack of light-ness
[06:43:24 PM] Ryan666: I didn't brag, i used it to my advantage.
[06:44:03 PM] Ryan666: Just because i didn't switch decks doesn't show i don't have skill. I was actually being smart.
[06:44:29 PM] aznkid66: that's ture
[06:44:31 PM] aznkid66: true*
[06:44:55 PM] aznkid66: but really, the reason you didn't switch decks was because the others couldn't counter you
[06:45:00 PM] Thatnewguy: I used a different deck every round in my single battle :happy:
[06:45:08 PM] aznkid66: because you had ups, and because they weren'
[06:45:26 PM] aznkid66: you can say that you have more upped cards, therefore more dedication to the game, etc.
[06:45:34 PM] ddevans96z: raging angels counters that deck fairly well
[06:45:37 PM] aznkid66: but not lololololol i am sooo pro cuz i can smite noobs
[06:45:43 PM] Ryan666: But i had the deck building skills to build the deck when they couldn't.
[06:45:45 PM] xdude: this sounds like bragging: I won 9-0, that has to show I have some sort of skill in pvp/deck building.
[06:45:55 PM] Ryan666: Raging angels?
[06:46:05 PM] Ryan666: It does. I can brag, i won 9-0
[06:46:09 PM] aznkid66: deflags, ryan
[06:46:10 PM] xdude: no, not really
[06:46:15 PM] aznkid66: deflags in a light deck
[06:46:29 PM] Ryan666: Yeah, xdude, let me use whatever I want in my speech.
[06:46:30 PM] xdude: he has GPull
[06:46:30 PM] aznkid66: or, pc in a light deck
[06:46:38 PM] xdude: I won't let you use lies -.-
[06:46:43 PM] Ryan666: It's not a lie.
[06:46:45 PM] aznkid66: so fahrensader, vadersader, or raging angels
[06:46:51 PM] xdude: not really was @ [20:45:34] ddevans96z: raging angels counters that deck fairly well
[06:47:07 PM] Ryan666: I had a good record in both Phase 2 and war
[06:47:25 PM] xdude: Also, I'm not stopping you.
[06:47:30 PM] aznkid66: you made your decks for war?
[06:47:36 PM] Ryan666: Whether you think i didn't do well, i your problem.
[06:47:47 PM] Ryan666: No but i played them.
[06:47:48 PM] aznkid66: we don't think you didn't do well
[06:48:02 PM] xdude: it is. And I have the right to say it out loud.
[06:48:07 PM] ddevans96z: deflags? hell any deck with fire would crush it. raging angels is just a better attack.
[06:48:17 PM] Ryan666: Then go for it but don't call me a lier.
[06:48:22 PM] 9270984: bragging wont earn votes
[06:48:30 PM] Ryan666: Nothing I said was a lie.
[06:48:46 PM] Ryan666: The whole speech thing is bragging, your saying why your better than everyone else which is bragging -.-
[06:49:02 PM] xdude: Ryan was miles better than the challengers
[06:49:21 PM] Ryan666: ....
[06:49:36 PM] xdude: ugh, OK

[06:49:49 PM] Ryan666: whatever.
[06:50:09 PM] xdude: You see Ryan, the problem is mainly you're saying you're better than Dm/johann/jipp so you're better than me.
[06:50:26 PM] Ryan666: No i'm saying i'm better than them, which i am.
[06:50:44 PM] Thatnewguy: That's not cool.
[06:50:47 PM] xdude: you obviously are
[06:51:18 PM] Ryan666: Where did i say "I am better tahn the challengers, so I'm better than xdude"?
[06:52:47 PM] xdude: Well, I think I'm logging off now. So long, chat!
xdude - added a spoiler