IMPORTANT NOTE : After reading DK's post through over and over, I noticed jippy's quote. I suggest that if by some random reason you decided to vote on me instead of jippy (who knows.) I'd like to ask you not to. Vote on him normally. After all, this is for the person you'd think that'd become the best master. If it's impossible or not for him to join, that's the main question, and I'd feel bad if I got more votes because of that.
Holy mother of text walls, it's DK and his much feared random questions of doom.
Or in a serious note.. heya. =P
And my vote goes to xdude. He has his faults (I call him lazydude
) but will continue to be a great master of
, no doubt in my mind.
While I agree he will always be a great master, you don't know if he will be the best of the best best of best from trials. (Please notice I did not boast myself or made any attacks to his voting community - this is just me, stating a random fact that you may think about or not. Please don't take this in the wrong way.)
Oh, and on a side note, I really like your questions, DK.

Question 1: Inspiration comes in many forms. Sometimes it can inspire you to act diffrently or think about something diffrently.
How has elements (in general) inspired you in the game? (such as chat/forums/ player interactions - avoid using "real life - out of game effects")
I lost the game!
Now on a serious note - Elements is a great game. Playing this game and acting, speaking and taking part of the huge community is a great experience - Something that I'm glad I'm being part of, as all people are nice, helpful and such.
In chat, Elements has proven to me not all chats are spam (Yes, it's possible, Batman!), and also made me type a little better. (Even if not a lot..)
Forums were also a great experience and go through what I said. The typing got also better and my posts actually have some kind of content into it.
Player Interactions are probably one of the best thing. Everybody is helpful, so newbie's aren't looked down or left out.
Question 2: Consider this scenario. You did become the next master of
In this scenario,imagine a "known" player outlandishly criticizing you for being chosen as the master of
This player after many years later, becomes a major threat and has not changed their view about you. They become a master of another element in a future war. (does not have to be the next upcoming war)
At the end of a difficult battle. This player defeats you fairly.
But the same outlandish and boasting criticism commences.
The community would like your response.
First of all, my general response after every game - Good Game.
I always say that unless I played in a suckish way. That's why against Ryan666, trials, I posted "I won't say Good Games.", as I played really badly that day.
Ahem, I'm going off topic.
First of all, let's go to the past, before he defeated me. I'd first like to ask him WHY does he not like me being the master of

. Obviously, unless you post to me his/her answer, then I'll assume he(or she.) didn't. If you DO post what he(or she.) answers, I'll reformulate my answer to better suit what you will ask.
So, assuming he(or she.) did NOT answer me, I'd continue on.
Now when we meet and once he(or she.) defeats me, and he starts boasting, my two answers would be..
"Good games! I really liked them. I guess you're the champion now, =P. I liked that (insert deck here) deck. Maybe if I had used (insert deck here)... Oh well. They were nice games, I'm glad to have played you. Maybe someday we can Duel again? xD"
Not those exact words, but that's pretty much what I would say. Maybe a word less, two words more, but that'd be the foundation of everything.
If even after I said those words he'd keep boasting and telling me I suck, or criticizing my play-stile, decks or whatever in such a negative way, I'd make my answer again.
I wouldn't criticize back at him(or her.). It's much better to treat those things with a touch of maturity and going back to the base of the problem ("Why don't you agree with me being the master of

?") and then start a decent, reasonable (And if possible, without any flaming) discussion over that until both of us are happy with the outcome. And if both of us AREN'T happy about the outcome and he (or she.) continues to boast and criticize even after all that talk, the only way to go would be to ignore and continue on with my life.
Question 3: Consider this scenario you are to travel back in time, for the sake of clarity; the trial/war list would show Dm1321, instead of xdude for that time period.
What would you do differently? What are some changes that you would do? Give 3 points, (you may use any aspect between the trials/war - such as bidding, tactics, and game play analysis)
First of all, I'd look for insight with others - even future opponents of war - for insight of what is good to have in a vault. I'd then put those answers together with my own "instinct" or strategic guesses (You can also read - Coin Toss choices) to make a vault that looks decent and well-built. Enemies and friends together, they're all a valuable source of information. If you want to be good, you can't do it all by yourself.
I'd also look wider for possible

team players. Even if he/she never wins a tournament, I'll take into count activeness, PVP skill and deck-building.
Third and last, inside war, I'd check on other war topics (war archive) for Popular decks of each element and try to develop a counter to it. For example, what if against

they used the same decks for both Wars? I'd then build a counter to it, and to maybe a second deck in just one deck to have better chances of winning. I wouldn't forget to take into account what decks did they build to beat

or other teams, and try to develop a way to turn the table around. I'd also try to keep track of what would happen with everyone's vault, trying to keep focused and detailed.
I guess those were the three points, that even if not necessarily Good and awesome, are, in my point of view, decent.