So, you came here, looked at this and wondered who to vote for. Well, I'm gonna start by saying that both of us (me and Hobnoob) could probably make good votes, but I'm not here to say that. I'm here for 2 reasons: to vote for myself 8) and to convince other people to vote for me.
So, after fulfilling my first objective, I'm now going for the second. So, you ask, why should you vote for me? Because I managed to get Light in the last 3 elements in the Masters' competitions and it's not over yet. Light, the so-called "weakest" element, is in the last 3. That's after defeating the "all-mighty" darkness, one of the best elements, and death, with it's poison, Alfatoxin, bone walls, retroviruses and generally LOTS of creature control, which could stop Light's best attackers, the dragons. Also, guys that have seen me on chat know how much I argue with people saying that Light kicks ass, while they say it doesn't. I always try to promote my element no matter what, and I like to say that I have changed at least a few opinions of some newbies and also some not-so-new players. So, I hope my second objective is fulfilled, but whoever you vote for I will respect that. Let the best player/potential Master/forumer win!