INTRODCUTIONLight elementals dispense blessings and befriend angelic and righteus entities. Light elementals can exalt their creatures, heal them, or deal damage to death and darkness elements.
Yes, this is an introduction to Light element when you start the game. Only these statements made me to choose this element in the very beginning, I had no idea what this game is all about. My choice was not determined by the power of cards, only by the power of that words because this element best decribes myself.
I guess all who know me here are aware that I am and I have always been a Light loyalist, promoting this element in creating some CI&A cards, in chat, in last Brawl...
I will be frank, if you, dear voter, perceive a mastership only in terms of leading specific element in war and you judge a master only by his performence in PvP, don't vote on me. I'm not even sure I will enter the War, I have quite busy RL and even though I can spend quite a lot amount of time on forum at work (from monday to saturday, that weekend I was exceptionally busy that's why I haven't answered any questions so far), I can't find much time for PvP sadly.
On the other hand, if you can broaden your mind and go beyond PvP and War and want a Master of Light that will be always active on the forum and promote his element in all possible fields, not only during the time of War and then disappear, don't hesitate to cast your vote on me.
Yet I have noticed masterhip is almost only connected with War and maybe other PvP events, so probably this title is not for me. Anyway, I'll remain Light loyalist forever
Spoiler for Answers:
Spoiler for ji412jo:
To all light trialists
Could I convince you to join the dark side
" Light elementals [...] deal damage to death and darkness elements."
You can't even approach me, my light automatically hurt you so I think it's impossible.
Spoiler for TribalTrouble:
Does heaven exist?
The Light I worhsip comes from heaven so it must exist.
Question to Krzy and Zso_Zso,
Are you active enough to be general in war? What's taking so long to answer these questions?
Please read introduction.
Spoiler for Blacksmith:
This is the element I will have the hardest to vote in.
Question to all trialists.
What does light have that other elements does not have, what makes it special?
Only this element can blind you within miliseconds without even touching you

But on a serious note, you need to feel the power of Miracle yourself, being revived in a single moment from 1HP to 500HP, to truly appreciate Light.
To all trialists.
If you wouldn't become master would you still participate in war and if so for what element?
If the answer is no I wonder why?
Please read introduction + If I find time for War, I will join it only for Light. I am that faithful XD
Spoiler for Laxadarap:
Realistically, do you think you can topple aether? Whats so new/not new this time (more important part)?
Please read answer for dark ripper.
Also what Zso said, no deuce this time?
Spoiler for Frozengaia:
Dear all light triallists:
Currently, my favourite deck is a mono-light.
(Okay, it's a light-fire, but the fire's only in there so dims can horribly die in a fire but that's besides the point).
How powerful do think mono-light is in comparison to other elements?
Is there any card that you feel is incredibly underrated in light's hit and miss arsenal?
Mono light can be very powerful although is weak against certain decks because of lack of CC, PC and inability to bypass shields... But it can stall you to death

Photons seem to be weak, but are the core in specific decks like in hope deck or as fodder in immorush.