This is very unfair, none of you higher up people even talked to me. I didn't spam.
Actually, you did. Sorry. Your warning is because of that sole reason. And you probably know that.
They considered me thanking someone to be spam, and me welcoming all the noobs to be spam, if you didn't want people welcoming noobs then don't make a topic for it.
Like I said in chat, you just said "Thanks". That doesn't really needs a post. You could of fill the sole post with stuff like "Thanks for all the feedback, keep it coming" or "Yes, that's slightly op and needs to be nerfed so let's go ahead and make bla bla bla changes, who agrees?" You didn't need to post at the exact moment, you could wait another post or two.
I think this needs to be re-thought because it is extremely unfair. I was kicked for trials because i apparently spammed unintentionally.
You received a warning because of spam. Unintentionally or intentionally, I think it's still spam either way.
I could drop those 13 posts that were considered spam but I'd still meet the requirements.
Unfortunately you couldn't unless you spammed a little more. ATM you have 211 posts, and the requirement is 200. So you'd be 2 posts short. Not a big deal, but pointing out either way.