Yeah, this was to be expected, especially with the bans. I wouldn't be surprised if other elements' trials are having similar clashes.
You can't "call dibs" on a deck. There are no rules saying you can't use the same deck, it's just polite not to use the same one.
The challenge does, however, say MAKE a new deck.
Well, I would switch, but I've already bought all the upgrades for Crusader/Dagger, so I'm kind of screwed unless I use it. And jippy doesn't seem to mind.
Well, it's not jippy's opinion the one that matters here unfortunately. Please, make a new deck, as the rules ask you to. Jippy's deck is already unoriginal. I think I'm not asking too much if I require you to go copy another idea on the Forums.
So... we're both being required to find new decks? I mean, he didn't MAKE a new deck either. I didn't copy an idea on the forum myself, I designed my deck without looking at anyone else's. And I already spent around 45,000 electrum upgrading mine, since you said no trainer. The rules say nothing about no two challengers being allowed to post remotely similar decks.
If I'm the only one being asked to scrap, and it's not because he called "dibs," then it's a double standard.
Also - as he pointed out - my deck is significantly different from both his deck and the "Vader Sader" one already posted. Mine fits more towers, neglects pendulums, and incorporates Dusk Shield.