So I would have liked to show SoPa here, a deck that I used last Trials that is incredibly strong into the meta, with tons of strengths and few (but apparent) weaknesses, but it's not exactly my favourite deck. My favourite deck is easily the Death Nymph Solar Shield deck shown below:
I'm rather fond of the versatility of the deck, and how it aims to make full use of lesser-used cards like Solar Shield, and Death Nymph (specifically Death Nymph's ability, and the fact that it's a Death Nymph in a light deck). Further, Death + Light is infrequently used without Sundial, or other means of abusing PDials-esque behaviour.
Its strengths lie in its lockdown potential. Optimistically, the deck would be running Miracles, however it can function without, given that the opponent runs few creatures, or multiple small creatures. As such, it as a rather interesting matchup into some of Light's most popular decks, which intend to win, not through direct damage. RoL Hope, for instance, is a rather good matchup as long as you can get a Grey Nymph out early enough to deal with RoLs. Further, it is an incredibly value-hungry deck, using 12 Light Pendulums to attempt to fuel a comparatively expensive deck, due to the value that Solar Shield brings.
It has plenty of weaknesses though, making this deck incredibly matchup based. While multiple small creatures are fine, multiple large creatures tend to pose an issue. SoPa decks and Mitosis decks in particular tend to be quite an issue. Archangel itself is a rather potent counter, being able to heal off the Aflatoxin damage, and due to the prevalence of it, makes the deck dangerous to run. Stall decks also pose to be an incredibly strong counter, as the deck lacks many ways outside of Solar Shield to gain enough quanta to play the creatures it would otherwise need. With this in mind, there is one last deck which serves as an extremely hard counter to the deck.
Another deck I used that Trials!
With no creatures to target, the deck fails to get enough quanta. And with stall techniques such as Vagger, Dusk Mantle, Sanct, and Miracle, it serves to severely slow down the already slow damage that the deck has. This, in combination with SoV putting the opponent on a timer, leads to a devastating matchup.