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5bs 5bs 5bs 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5c3 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c9 5c9 5c5 5c5 5c5 5l8 5l8 5mq 5mq 5lm 5lm 5lm 7n2 7n2 7n2 7k5 7k5 7k5 8pq
The Sader-Staff-Semi-Stallsay that 5 times fast This deck won the most Life matches in War 4 (3 wins), and a variation of this deck was considered the most exquisite deck of all of War 4.
Win 1Win 2Win 3.
This deck is a


duo with some Animate Weapons (

) splahed into the mix. The deck utilizes the healing powers of Sanctuary and Drudic Staff. Adrenaline and Mitosis are used to gain extra attacks with the Crusader. Crusader is used for both attacks (with mitosis or adrenaline), or for healing (using it's ability on Druidic Staff). Thorn Carapace is thrown in there to damage the opposing creatures and kill them off while healing and stalling.
The Cards:Sanctuary - Healing is essential to stay alive with a semi-stall, as decking out is usually one of the key ways to win with this style, and the need to heal any damage and last until the end is essential. Also having Sanctuaries can help in the event of facing devourers, discord, black hole, or other quanta and hand altering cards.
Crusader - Crusaders are creatures that are able to use the ability of the targeted weapon. Crusaders are used here to gain the Druidic staff ability and gain extra healing. They can also be used in the rare case of a need for damage by targeting the opponents weapon and potentially gaining more damage.
Animate Weapon - This spells allows the weapon to become a creature, and then another weapon may be played. This helps this deck because multiple Drudic Staves may be in play at the same time, thus giving even more healing to the player.
Druidic Staff - A weapon that heals the owner with every attack. In this deck Druidic Staff is used to heal the owner and combo with the Crusader to add extra healing. When combo-ing the Druidic Staves healing with Animate Weapon and Adrenaline, extra healing can be obtained in a shorter time.
Adrenaline - A spell that increases the amount of attacks of a creature on each turn. It can be used on flown Staves to gain up to 8 damage and 20 healing, or can be used on Crusaders with the Staff ability to gain up to 11 damage and 15 healing. Another use for Adrenaline is to be used on opposing creatures with threatening abilities(lobo, BE,devour) while thorn carapace is up, this will cause them to attack more and possibly die sooner while you continue to heal yourself.
Mitosis - A spell that generates a daughter creature of the first. This spell is used to create multiple copies of Crusader, and with more copies of the creature comes the possibility of more healing and more attack damage.
Thorn Carapace - A shield that has a chance to poison the attacking creatures. This is used here to damage and kill off the opposing creatures whil the player heals themselves and outlasts the attacking creatures. By having large amounts of healing available(Staves, Sanctuary, Crusader+Staves), a larger amount of damage can be taken while waiting for the opposing creatures to take enough poison counters to die off.