[00:09:30] ‹ARTHANASIOS› my router crashed i finally managed to restore it, please give victory to kirby[00:09:48] ‹Submachine› ‹@ARTHANASIOS› oh
[00:10:03] ‹Submachine› i already gave him the win ^^"
[00:10:16] ‹Submachine› I didn't know what happened, so I had to stick to the main rules
[00:10:18] ‹ARTHANASIOS› also, i am done with direct PvP, it just doesn't worth the effort... -_-[00:10:37] Submachine [»] ARTHANASIOS: too much lag?

[00:11:33] Submachine [»] ARTHANASIOS: sorry that I had to do the ruling this way
[00:11:49] ‹ARTHANASIOS› Managing to overcome all the desynchs, all the lag, all the server borkage, the simple fact it takes 5 hours to fiish a bo5 that shouldn't take more than 15 mins.[00:11:49] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: It works if it doesn't from omegareaper7. Didn't you read this already?
[00:12:47] ‹ARTHANASIOS› and then, my connection decides to drop me...[00:13:30] ‹Submachine› I think we do need the non-pvp forum games after all
[00:13:45] ‹Rutarete› gg
[00:13:49] ‹Submachine› looks like pvp is heading back to oblivion agaian
[00:13:51] ‹ARTHANASIOS› It just doesn't worth it. Not when I could do other things, like forum games, role-playing, openEtG competitions and, most of all, indirect PvP.[00:15:07] ‹Submachine› I see
[00:15:27] ‹Submachine› the others are also experiencing the pvp glitches
[00:15:39] ‹Submachine› maybe the server is just overloaded
[00:16:31] ‹ARTHANASIOS› Overloaded... with no more than 5 games at a time... are we in 1990?[00:16:55] mathman101 joined.
[00:16:54] ‹Submachine› no, but Zanz didn't fix it properly it seems
[00:17:55] ‹AveragePotato› The latest forum post is Re: It works if it doesn't from jarozaoz. It needs a gold star.
[00:18:07] ‹Submachine› How are the rest of the duels going?
[00:18:17] ‹theelkspeaks› we're 1-1 in 5th place match, no desyncs
[00:18:38] ‹theelkspeaks› make that 1-2
[00:18:44] ‹theelkspeaks› ggs
[00:18:56] ‹Rutarete› ggs
[00:19:25] Dm1321 joined.
[00:19:26] ‹Dm1321› Longest tourney evur?
[00:19:36] ‹ARTHANASIOS› Putting the jokes aside, I was really patient all this time with the servers, both before and after the fix, because I really believe in the game and even more in the community. But that's it! From now on, only indirect PvP.