Two of Life's greatest weaknesses are Dim Shield and Wings, yet a lot of the decks you brought during War were weak to these two cards. People aren't gonna play nice just because your Life. So no complaining afterwards... what WILL be changed this time?
To be honest, I'm really not sure. I could give the simple "Carry more PC, bring more stalls to deck out decks using those cards", but let's face it, Life can counter those cards by splashing PC or forming forced synergy with another Element in order to combat those main two weaknesses, but by doing so you also take a huge risk by leaving yourself open to a number of different deck types the opponent uses. For example, in one particular match Water used a deck with Wings against our Frogtal which ultimately resulted in a loss. Had I decided to use PU Dragons instead of Frogtal then our chances would have been increased. But at the same time that opens us up to another weakness to creature control via Freeze. So in other words, while it seems as if we may have blindly walked into a huge weakness our Element faces, the truth is that we simply chose the wrong weakness to cover. One of the reasons I specifically chose to use Life during the last TPvP Event was to increase my experience with the Element and to attempt to counter the stronger PvP Elements using Life as a duo. I will not state specifically what counters I plan to bring as that would obviously put Life at a disadvantage in the next War if I provide a play book on how to counter its biggest threats. But I have reflected on my mistakes and experimented with various methods on how to overcome the biggest problems from War 4. I cannot say for certain whether or not I will succeed in predicting my opponents again, nor whether my team will support what I have in mind, but I'm determined to put my counter decks into effect regardless.
I am currently of the belief that in
's current state, in the war setting, it is one of the weakest elements. Do you believe this as well? Honesty works well with me and i'm not asking you to sell me your element. With that said i admire you all for wanting to be master of this "underdog" of an element. When i first tried out for death, it was deemed one of the weaker elements as well.
I certainly do. Life just lacks so many things in PvP right now for it to be a primary threat in the War scene. In the current metagame, Life has little to no answers to its top threats except to outrush them. If the opponent plans to counter a rush with something such as Dim Shield, then you have almost no chance of countering that deck except to use Scorpions... Life-based stalls are typically horrible because Life actually possesses very little stalling ability when you consider that the cards designed to allow for a powerful stall are all countered by the blatant weakness to creature control (note: I'm not considering SoG as a

card despite its recent rework). Honestly, the fact that a single card (Dim Shield, Wings) can almost completely counter an entire Element alone is utterly ridiculous and it continually disappoints me when nothing is done to alleviate this problem. Mitosis, for example, only made Life's biggest weaknesses even worse. Is this Element doomed by zanz himself to remain inferior to all others in PvP? I hope not, and I hope that one day soon Life will receive the help it deserves because it makes me extremely unhappy to look at the Element popularity polls and see Life at the very bottom every time.
Now, I don't like or play Life because I thought it was awesome in PvP at any point when I started playing this game. I like it just because I have fun playing it. I can create some of the weirdest and most interesting combinations using Life just because of its card pool. Adrenaline is a card that no other Element even comes close to possessing and is probably one of my favorite cards in this entire game. It makes me excited when I slap that card on a Frog and watch that baby tear through just about anything thrown at it (in a wonderful fantasy world where Dim Shield and Wings don't exist). Decks such as USEM bore most people after a time because it's so monotonous. Strangely, I don't get that feeling, I never have. I've always considered myself to have an affinity for the underdogs, so maybe that's why my love for this Element in particular is so strong.
People make claims that Life fairs poorly in PvP. I won't try to argue with them because in a sense I know that this is true, and I refuse to lie to them. But at the same time I feel like some aspects of this game are too focused on winning and as such Life is cast aside in favor of the Elements that dominate the metagame. If someone wants to say that Life is a poor PvP Element then fine, that's understandable. But to say it completely sucks because of this factor? Not true, I just don't believe they've experienced the thrill the Element has to offer firsthand when the idea of winning or losing no longer makes a difference.