ART: | fengua-zhong
| IDEA: | Linkcat
| NOTES: | Echidna, the legendary creature from Greek mythology and mother of such monsters as Cerberus, Hydra, Chimera, Sphinx, and Gorgon.
Legendary I have interpreted to mean that only one copy may exist in a player's hand, field, or deck at any time. You may target a Legendary creature with Fractal, Parallel Universe, and Nightmare, but they will fail. They can be given the Mitosis ability but it will fail when used. You cannot hatch, mutate, or turn back a Skeleton into a Legendary creature.
The cost is reduced by each unique creature on your field. Your opponent's creatures do not count.
Birth will spawn a creature from the following pool. All Dragons other than Phase Dragon, Bone Dragon and Golden Dragon, Maxwell's Demon, Lycanthrope, Fallen Elf, Sapphire Charger, Otyugh, Chimera, Shrieker, Lava Golem, Phoenix, Toadfish, Mind Flayer, Arctic Squid, Wyrm, Firefly Queen, and Gargoyle. Other creatures were excluded on the basis of being too weak, undead, angelic, aether, or not a traditional monster. The average power for unupped is 5.67. For upped it's around 7.
| SERIES: | 14th Trials