Me Interviewing Myself Because I'm a Narcissist
Q: Will you trash talk your opponents?A: Why yes, yes I will. n00b, your mother is an armagio, vagman, the only vag you get is from that pregnant gravy dragon, and nils, your mustache is fake. Also, my opponents don't know what capitalization is. Hehe
Q: I didn't know you liked gravity!?!?A: I'm really not sure why I like it, but I just do. I just love the fact that it goes tl:dr to shields, and despite being considered the "slowest" unupped element in the game, it can field a very great deck with one of the fastest ttw's. As well as still saying tl:dr to shields. Plus, thematically, gravity controls and influences every other element (except for maybe aether, but we still say tl:dr to shields and lightning

. Last war Jenkar foolishly tried to argue that gravity couldn't control air, but just let your little wyrms stop flapping, gravity becomes extremely real.
On a slightly different note, Gravity has always been my favorite element, if there was a profile "edit stamp" you could see that. Also, I like even though it may not be the most complete or strongest element, it is one of the most versatile. There really isn't anything you can throw at a gravy deck that it can't shred to pieces (in upped play atleast). It has some of the best CC in the game, some of the most versatile CC in the game, a very cost efficient momentumed card when dealing with cost theorem, huge meat shields, and a plethora of ways to bypass shields. It also has a whole lot of synergy with many other elements, and I personally like duos and trios way more than monos.
Q: You don't seem to bleed orange like n00b, is he more enthusiastic about gravy than you are?A: n00b's condition is actually due to a vat of chemicals he feel into when he was 3 years old. It also left him with a tail that spontaneously combusts, and a well warranted craving for marshmellows.
Seriously, just because I'm not associated with an element doesn't mean I don't love it. I am probably not known because I have only been in one war, and that was for a different team, however, that is just nilsie's fault (a fault I'm willing to overlook XD). I signed up for Budoken and went for gravy just because I loved it, and I feel like I did a fantastic job (although I couldn't win, Aether OP XD)
Q: You don't have the1337 pvp skills vagman does, nor do you have a lot of experience.A: I may be a relatively new player, but I have played in almost every event since I got here, mostly because pvp is what I love to do. I find PVE boring, unfortunately, and don't really grind anymore, but I do try to make any tournaments and events I can, RL pertaining. Why? Because that is how you get experience. By doing it. Even if I get to face nilsie and I end up losing, this will still be one of the greatest battles I've ever been in, and it will be a great learning experience, plus, I can (and will) always come back next year. Plus, vag only had 1 match on me, it was a 3-2 as well

Q: Would you like to sappily thank anybody?A: No. I'm a narcissist, I'm here just because of my uber awesomeness. In reality, I really can't thank everybody, though I wish I could, so I will choose one person. Back when I was just a kong noob, I heard the "pros" talking about war. (believe it was makkuradaimyou and dm1321). I was of course curious, because I thought I was hot shit, and I could destroy everybody. dm took the time to bring me into a private lobby and explained to me everything that war was, especially when I told how gravity was my favorite element, and I would probably try and go for gravity. This was right before dm faced nils, so he asked me if I wanted to pvp, and he promptly smashed me with adrenaguards (which I believe he beat nils with). That was pretty much when I realized that there was life after Kong, and that I could actually do something for gravity other than just saying "my gravy deck kills all youz".
Q:Is there any last words you want to say?A:, MURICA! Time to take those europeans off of their mastership thrones!
Finally, if I get in the final battle, I will finally put a picture of myself in the pictures thread, and it will be doing whatever action you guys vote for. And I will do it, with some slight restrictions.
Hopefully this wasn't tl:dr'd, if it was, vote for me anyway. I will also answer any questions you guys have, I know I'm going to be asking some (to other elements)