I have lost and learned many lessons.
Game 1 : Graviton Fireeaters vs Mono-gravity (1-0)
I got two fireeaters and a titan out from the start and won easily.
Game 2 : Deathstalker Gravity vs Mono-gravity (2-0)
He had an oty out, which was really annoying since my deathstalkers are going to be killed. after about 7 turns, i realized that devouring deathstalkers poisons oty (yes. i realized that long after the duel started) and played them along with chargers.
At the end, PF had 4 poison charges and 12 HP, i had 3 chargers. precise damage ftw.
Game 3~11 : Discord - BH vs Dune Scorps (2-1)
As i mentioned, we went through about 8 desyncs. i got a really nice hand or draw that involved discords and stuff. PF didn't seem to have such good draws. then, for the first time, i had no discord for the first 8 turns and that HAD to be the duel with no desync. i felt really.... uneasy about it.
i uselessly drew black holes only, so used them to prevent the dune scorps to come out, but PF's creatures overwhelmed me.
Game 12 : Fire Eaters vs Plate Armored Oty (2-2)
well rage potions here and there, and i lost.
Game 13 : Fire Eaters vs Adren Graviton Merces (2-3)
I was an absolute idiot in this game. after seeing the life mark, i immediately thought of my adren mercs, but somehow i decided to use a rage potion on my armagio instead. that one stupid move cost the game.
Thank you PF for the great games. I've learned the following lessons:
1. do not be so sure of yourself; just because you've won the first two matches doesn't mean that you will win the last one as well.
2. explore more about
3. don't make stupid moves; they cost an entire match.
I'll keep these in heart when going against Jumbalumba.