Elite Charger
This is one of the best cards gravity has to offer. It has good damage to cost ratio, and has shield bypass! The hp is also pretty good, with only lightning and rage potion being able to kill it in one turn. Elite charger can be used in a mono gravity deck, with overdrive. The deck has great rushing potential, as damage increases by 3 on charger, with overdrive. Also, with its high hp of 5, overdrive can take the damage of a single charger up to 23. Combine this with heavy armour, and you have a great hitter, with cheap cost. The card can also be use with fractal. Fractal chargers is another great deck, which has the potential to dish out damage at will. Different versions of fractal charger can also offer some cc, in form of lightning, or one of the best shield in the game; dim shield. Another aether card that works good with chargers, but isnt used as much, is PU. PU can give you multiple chargers fast, and also gives you the option of using it on one of the opponent's creature. Charger's attack of 7 give it the sweet spot for adrenaline. An adrenaline'd charger is able to do 15 damage a turn. Adrenaline also helps against freeze, as it is able to get out of frozen state in 1 turn. Charger also works well with nightmare, as 5 cost is difficult to achieve, unless you have gravity pillar/pend/mark. A good domin, with NM and dagger, can be lethal, as it combines the damage of chargers, with healing of daggers, and denial of NM.
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55k 55k 55k 55l 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 61q 61q 61q 61q 61q 61t 61t 61t 61t 622 622 622 745 745 745 8pu

Titan is one of the good weapons in the game. It has good damage of 8, which is able to bypass shield, but that's not all. One of the reasons it's used a lot is due to its HP. When combine with Animate weapon, it has a hp of 50. Imagine an 8/50 attacker that can bypass shield. It's large HP, gives use to another in-element card, gravity pull. Playing flying titan's with GP means that you are able to deal damage fast yourself, while being able to prevent opponent attacking your 100 health bar. However, like every flying weapon, it's prone to 2 cc cards: RT and freeze. RT is a pain for every flying weapon deck. To help against both RT and freeze, we have another in-element card, catapult! By playing titan, and using AW on it, then catapulting it, it is bale to do 34 damage to the opponenet! This is more than 1/3 of the total hp. When frozen, it only adds to this damage, as it is ablt to do 50 damage, taking away half the health! Rage elixir is another card that works well with titan. It gives it 14 shield bypass damage, that is extremely difficult to stop, and RE can also be used to cc opponent's creature, as most creature's are below 6 hp! Another card that does well is crusader. It gains a massive +8 attack boost, and also gets shield bypass, which light on its own lacks. Here is an example combining some of the things i've talked about.

This card is an absolute beast when used right. It's ability is one of the most potent in the game. As a result, any card that buffs hp is beneficial to the otyugh. Blessing does it really well, giving otyugh hp and attack.
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744 744 74a 74a 74a 74b 74b 74b 74b 74b 74b 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7k2 7k2 7k2 8pq
The deck can not only do well in pvp, but can also take on and defeat the fg Graviton! Another card that Otyugh fares well with is shard of patience. Shard of patience gives otyugh +2|+2 every turn, giving it the ability to devour most creatures. Sopa also helps with one of the problems otyugh has: low damage. With sopa, you can easily take control of the board and build your attack up! One of the most famous plat grinder called Swallow uses this synergy. Otyugh also works well with gravity shield, as any creature with less than 5 hp is devoured and any creature with more than 5 hp is unable to attack. Heavy armour also works great as it raises otyugh's hp by 6! And as it only costs 1, it is extremely fast to set up. Also, heavy armour being in earth helps more, as it gives way to pulvy, which is pc on the stick. Earth also has cards to slow opponent's damage like wardens and earthquake, and also help raise hp, by use of stone skin!