Well. That was tremendously nerve-racking. kev 3 - Drag 2
I'm glad Drag commented on his own decks cuz I blacked out for a minute there, and mainly I was concentrating on not screwing up. I played a poisonbolt first and a lightning/fire bolt second and lost both.

Next I played a straight up speed golem deck against his speed golem deck, and mine was a touch faster. Earthquakes were an interesting choice on his part given the lack of pillars in a lot of

decks, but I can't blame him given I'd played two bolt decks and no pendulums.
The fourth game was a FREAKSHOW. Crazy Brain Drag decided on a BB deck, despite my having played two creatureless decks. I played an immo/phoenix deck and managed to draw FIVE IMMOS, immediately immoing my BB'd phoenixes. He has fast damage, though, and he's one turn from clubbing me like a seal. I think I'm short on damage and I only have one dragon in this deck, so I'm pretty much... HOLY ****.
Game five I used the same deck because obviously a leprechaun wiped his butt with it. He used a rewind deck, which is again an awesome choice against my nearly pillarless immo deck.
Come to think of it, I'm really not sure how I won. Fantastic games, Dragoon.