First off..People know me, I'm kind of a big deal, I own many leather bound books, and my room smells of rich mahogany. BEAT THAT!

Second of all I won't be lobbing for any votes. If you do vote for me many thanks but seriously its a wasted vote. Dragoon has proved that with math and currently my school work is going to get in the way of the trials as I will be helping with orientation this year.
Third...I will be lobbing for votes since I think its a bad thing to back down from a challenge. I voiced my want to become a master early on when I came back from a long vacation and set my sights on it. So if not this trials maybe another down the line.
My vote was split between Antagon and (drumroll) Kev. I respect all the players that are challenging Antagon for his position as well as Antagon himself. Even though I have never really talked to him as much as I have the other challengers I have grown to respect him as a player.
My vote went to Kev because I still remember him playing when the game just started. If Alaska was going for fire master my vote would have gone to him no questions asked. But more on that never. I feel that Kev is more than quaified for any master position but he choose fire..maybe to spite me..or stalk me..who knows. Anyway Kev b/c he has the same about of skill or greater than Antagon. 'nough said.
Q: @ ALL: If a noob comes and tells you Fire sucks (say he never witnessed the War) and they have weak creatures (less HP) , blah blah....How will you respond?
Q: @Azumi, You were with
in the War and played great, but eventually lost to FIRE, and now you seem to join Fire. But your inactivity seems to divert members to vote for other challengers, how do you respond to this?
Question 1: If you look at almost any game Fire is well known for what? POWER thats what. Ask anyone on the street. DO IT! Fire might have weaker creatures in the form of HP, the dragon is 15/2, but look at its power. 15! that is amazing. Not to mention all of the OTK (one turn kill) decks out there that are fire based. IMO darkness should easily have more OTK decks but it doesn't. Neither does Water that also has ice bolt. Perma frost shield is used in a few of the most used FG decks for stalling so why not tons of OTK Water decks? Fire is obviously the stronger deck choice. Creature why...sure weak but they server their function well. Ash eaters become Brimstone eaters and produce fire quanta, fire dragons do massive damage, fire spirits can gron in damage, lava golems are very strong and are used in the famous Golem rush decks/non pillar rush. And lets not forget the phoenixes. Fitting the name and myth/legend they just wont die.
Question 2: Inactive!? Where have you been on chat. I am on for at least 1-2 hours a day and more than enough time on the weekends. I dare say I stay on chat almost 12 hours on the weekends. I hold the title for first CL of 2010. I have built plenty of decks, though rarely posting them, I do give them out when asked on chat and recently posted most of my speedbows and an HB killer deck. True I lost to fire in the war..once or twice I forget but one of the times was a suicide deck. I was more than active during the war though I did lack in the deck building descussions b/c of work and school. The only reason why I am not going for earth is because I respect Terroking, which may seem as an excuse but hey thats my opinion, too much.
Showing the awsomeness of Fire. Creating new decks for fire that show or versitle it is and that it can do more than just OTK bolt.