Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Trials => Events and Competitions => Trial of Fire => Topic started by: Scaredgirl on August 09, 2010, 03:04:34 pm

Title: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Scaredgirl on August 09, 2010, 03:04:34 pm
Phase 2 - Community Vote
Phase 2 has ended

It's time to vote for your favorite Master candidate.

Every community member has one vote. You can change your vote at any time as long as there is still time on the clock.

Vote based on who you think would make the best Master of that element. Do not vote based on who is the best player or who you know personally. Try to pick someone who you think would help the community the most.

Feel free to ask the candidates difficult questions to help you make your decision.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: kev on August 09, 2010, 03:09:37 pm
Well Dragoon already pointed out (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,10805.msg142563#msg142563) that Azumi and Sven have been mathematically eliminated. I have tremendous respect for both players but at this point a vote for either is a vote lost. :/
Why vote for me rather than Dragoon
Honestly, I think Drag would make a phenomenal Master... for some other element.  Both he and I have essentially all rares and the wealth required to face Antagon with fully upped decks (please note I'm now at 90k score).  We're both active in chat and the forums, thoughtful, and articulate.
I'd only question whether he's the right fit for :fire.  In addition to not listing :fire as his favorite element in his profile (bush league, Drag ;) ) and predicting that :fire would fall to sixth place in the first War, he was truly a champion for :light in the War.  He was active in deck creation, fought and went 2-2, and even designed their banner.  I on the other hand, was active in deck creation and testing for Team :fire, fought and went 7-2 (one match was a suicide), and was integral in adding corrum and girlsgeneration to the team.
Why vote for me rather than Antagon
Oh boy.  Unfortunately, Antagon is a solid deckbuilder, a very talented pvper, and he's very well liked because he's a genuinely good guy.  And that's why I need your vote!  To stand a chance against him I need to have close to equal footing in terms of upped cards.  I expect Ant has a better-than-average chance at 10 points from the upcoming Masters Battle and if so he may be fighting to retain his title with close to a fully upped deck.  Help make the battle fair: vote kevkev60614!
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Svenningen on August 09, 2010, 05:00:00 pm
I'm poor ingame, I'm a slacker and didnt make time for phase1. I'll go ahead and test my luck unupped.

My vote was hard to cast, I weighed my 3 options (sorry Azumi, neither u nor me did deserve it) And it seemed to me like Dragoon needed it the most. I have enormous respect for all 3, and they are all awesome players. Kevkev have made some decks that have really made my playtime fun. Dragoon has been genuinly awesome and really funny, and we've had some funtimes :D And Antagon, antagon was the first person I ever PVP'ed, he gave me tips and some pointers on deckbuilding. However, antagon and kevkev have the cardadvantage.

My vote goes for Dragoon. Good luck mates =)
If battling will be done, ill show ya unupped :D
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: cokeandaspirin on August 09, 2010, 05:12:46 pm
i will have to vote for svenn, because he is hotter than fire...

In other hand(and talking more serious).. i think dragoon will be a good master, he have been active since i started playing, contributed a lot to the comunity and came up with good ideas we still use nowadays :), in spite he played light in the war, maybe the fire team was full when he tried to join, and prolly kevkev if there wasnt place on fire u would hav managed to play in other team just to not miss the event, he devoted totally himself to his role as a light soldier, and i think he will do the same as a master...

and as for the azumi and svenn being out (this goes for dragoon and kev) not voting em because they are not going to win, is plain dumb, u dont vote to say:"yay the i vote the winning one" u vote the one you want to win ;)

So good luck u all
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Glitch on August 09, 2010, 05:13:07 pm
I voted antagon.

He proved he was great at this game when he schooled me in the war.  Hell, he schooled all of us.

Probably the master most deserving of his post.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Svenningen on August 09, 2010, 05:17:59 pm
i will have to vote for svenn, because he is hotter than fire...
LOL! Thanks!

Well, I think someone should vote for me because I am active, I help people with what I can in chat, and sometimes, I try when I cant.
I really like to be a genuine nice guy and help people around with what I can, and take some of the burden away from others, being asked same questions day in and day out!

Well, I wont write too much, I hope I get your vote, if not.. ohwell
You just angered a viking and his gods! We WILL come for you, and use the :fire to hunt you and yours, pillage every village, thats my motto! [/size=1pt]lulz[/joke][/size]
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Antagon on August 09, 2010, 05:40:12 pm
i hated to do this, but i had to vote for me. i really think, i deserve it. if you think, it sounds strange if i talk that way, also for me, BUT

a) i won the war with my element: fire (here i also have to say, kevkev played a great role in this war, cant say that about the other challengers, cause i dont know them that good)

b) i won several tourneys and last seasons beginners league: again a proof of deckbuilding skill (you dont need that much amount of playing skill, if you have the deckadvantage, its enough, most of the time). this champions league season, i wish i could be more active, but war prevented that, opponent analyses and deck-testing had higher priority, now im on semi-holidays.

c) im active. - not the last days, there i had a few problems and a slow internet (i still have, the reason in not my average 12 hours per day at chat)

d) fire is my passion. now, AFTER the war, many people said something like "fire is so powerfull, every monkey could win the war with fire", etc. remember war-betting or the first few rounds of war. sure, fire is definitly one of the "easier" elements, you dont have the problem of using decks without permanent or creature control

e) do you really wanna see me without that cool grandmaster-icon posting here at forums? i think you all would miss it. i would do ;)

sure, if you want to see another master of fire, you should vote for kevkev (i would), but if you think - and thats what i do - i did my job the best possible way, i would be happy to get your vote.

im quoting plastiqe here, who was part of team fire last war, with great personality and skill

I can't fathom anyone replacing Antagon.  Devoted to fire, online all the time, skilled in pvp.. just wait till they open up the fire section of the war and you'll see what I mean.  I hope Ant brushes aside all usurpers and remains Master of Fire forever, we should be so lucky.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: MrBlonde on August 09, 2010, 06:07:04 pm
Lots of qualified challengers in this matchup and i actually like them all as i've talked with all of them in chat or are good posters. Unfortunately for everyone Antagon is well... Antagon. As of now he is THE Master of :fire in my mind.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: PuppyChow on August 09, 2010, 08:56:39 pm
I'll withhold from voting for now, but I'm leaning towards Dragoon. I know he's a great player and would probably excel at any element he wished, not to mention being a member of the forum/chat for a LONG time.

Looking at Antagon's post, he makes some good points, but the grammar... I prefer masters understanding how to use capital letters  ;) . It makes their posts easier to understand and taken more seriously.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Malduk on August 09, 2010, 09:29:32 pm
Glad to see such a great element having such a great competition. I have no idea who to vote for yet.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Kuroaitou on August 09, 2010, 10:22:19 pm
Looking at Antagon's post, he makes some good points, but the grammar... I prefer masters understanding how to use capital letters  ;) . It makes their posts easier to understand and taken more seriously.
Someone read my mind.

That said - I realized a crucial detail about all of the people competing in the Fire trials (if you don't answer this question, then you WILL DEFINITELY NOT get a vote).

Q: Fire did a fantastic job in the war (congrats again to Team Fire!).

That said though, some of the other masters and competitors have shown to be helpful in other aspects of the forum (PvP/Tournament organizers, Wikipedia editors, etc. for example). If you couldn’t obtain the title for Master of Fire (and subsequently, the Grand Master title), would you be willing to try out for another position instead? Why or why not?
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: kev on August 09, 2010, 10:57:17 pm
If you couldn’t obtain the title for Master of Fire (and subsequently, the Grand Master title), would you be willing to try out for another position instead? Why or why not?
Yes.  I would have lobbied for Warmaster if I didn't already have plans to lead :fire in the second War.  Azumi will be a great addition, but War 1 showed how important organization is to such a large event.  I've been active in offering suggestions to better the War (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,6922.msg108253#msg108253), and I was very active in the War itself (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/board,150.0.html).
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Antagon on August 09, 2010, 11:10:16 pm
i dont use capital letters or apostrophes, cause i used to type with one hand, while lying in my bed, and if thats enough for you to dont vote for me, so be it.

the grammar is the result of the fact, im no english native. thats the reason, i didnt even try to write a wiki-article, at phase1. if i lose my title, ill still try to play for team fire at war - if the next master want me to be part of the team - because i think i could be an important part of every team, also if i dont have the final decision. of course i would also give my best in any other team, but i would prefer fire.

the only other "job", i would be interested in, is the job of a deck helper, cause i always spend hours to fine-tune my own decks, and like to help others, doing that.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Dragoon1140 on August 09, 2010, 11:29:13 pm
Since a grand total of, and this is serious, two people voted for Dragoon thinking it was me and another asked me why they should vote for me, I have decided to state this here and link it to those who did so they can change their vote if needed.

Dragoon1140 =/= Dragoon
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Dragoon on August 10, 2010, 02:01:03 am
I'll withhold from voting for now, but I'm leaning towards Dragoon. I know he's a great player and would probably excel at any element he wished, not to mention being a member of the forum/chat for a LONG time . . . Blah blah blah
Blah blah blah . . . i think dragoon will be a good master, he have been active since i started playing, contributed a lot to the comunity and came up with good ideas we still use nowadays :) . . . Blah blah blah
Blah blah blah . . . Dragoon has been genuinly awesome and really funny, and we've had some funtimes :D . . . Blah blah blah . . . My vote goes for Dragoon.
Aw shucks, you guys are making me blush.  Thanks so much for your kind words.

First, I think the Fire trials has been and will continue to be one of the hottest trials to watch.  Really, everyone competing here is first rate.  I'm sure each one of the other guys would do a fantastic job as Master of Fire in their own right.  I think there is very little to say about the others that can detract from their merits to be the Master.

As for me, a little background.  I started the game about a year ago (around the time when the Sundial was fixed [not nerfed] and Chival was the "Master of Fire"   :P ) with a Darkness deck but quickly corrected the situation by buying myself a mono fire deck.  That mono-fire deck took me all the way through until I scrapped enough money to buy a FG deck that I had found off the old wiki.  So fire has a special place in my history.  In the early days I loved to play a lot of PvP, and I used Fire decks quite a bit.  I remember one time after a long crazy PvP session where I used a number of different Fire decks against jmizzle7, cokeandaspirin, didia and others, jmizzle said something along the lines of "You sure like those Fire decks."  I did.  And I still do.  Simply put, Red decks win.

As for my part in the community, I wrote one of the original FG strategy guides (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,811.0.html).  I'm glad people like Puppychow, Seravy, and others have taken up the banner and have kept us current with the new decks and FGs.  I've also added my fair share of different decks here and there.  I also help a decent bit in the Deck Help section of the forums (just type my name in the search field on that board to see how much I've helped).  I like helping people out and don't need a title to do it.  We were all newbs at one point and no one likes losing, so I try to help as I have time both on the forum and on chat.  Of course I've also recently written an article (http://elementswiki.co.cc/basics/strategy-primer-for-etg-or-a-conversation-i-had-with-a-perpetual-loser-wherein-i-tried-to-teach-him-how-to-successfully-play-elements-with-strategy-and-forethought-rather-than-just-picking-random-card/) to help newbies not just copy some deck but to actually try to teach them the how's and why's behind what makes good decks and their advantages in a duel.

As for PvP experience, I always loved PvP and thought of it as the real end game for EtG.  With the help of cisco, we started the first League (well, if you don't count Warr's Elm League.  Who remembers him?  :) ).  I also helped to create some fun rules (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1303.0.html) for casual PvP where off-the-cuff deck-building skills were important.  To me, deckbuilding is the best part of this game.  I love living on the cutting edge of deckbuilding strategies.  Using the same decks all the time is absolutely, horrifyingly boring!  Make new rules, change the metagame, and force people to rethink what makes a good deck.  That's how I like to play.

I was in the Champion League (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7741.0.html) but only got to play 22 games (though I did end with a high 68% win rate).  Unfortunately, after the War started, I spent most of my time trying to help my team.  You can see (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/board,153.0.html) that I helped to organize, build decks, and offer input quite a bit during the War.  I don't want to take more credit than is due me since we all had a part in making decks, but I did help quite a bit in that area.  Feel free to ask xdude, Hobnob, implosion, candle, and Helios my involvement in the War and in deckbuilding.  Why did I go for Light?  Well mainly because most of the other elements already had full rosters and I desperately wanted to be part of such an awesome event.  Plus deckbuilding for Light was a real challenge that really forced me to be more creative than ever before.  And even though we didn't win, I think we did an awesome job.  We ended the War with the 4th highest win rate of all the elements.

So, now you now a little (or a lot I suppose) about me.  I think I have the background, organization, communication, and deckbuilding skills to be the Master of Fire.  I would be honored if you esteemed me worthy of your vote.  Thanks.


Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: bojengles77 on August 10, 2010, 02:30:24 am
I'll withhold from voting for now, but I'm leaning towards Dragoon. I know he's a great player and would probably excel at any element he wished, not to mention being a member of the forum/chat for a LONG time.

Looking at Antagon's post, he makes some good points, but the grammar... I prefer masters understanding how to use capital letters  ;) . It makes their posts easier to understand and taken more seriously.
Funnily enough, I just brought up the fact that those challengers and masters with poor grammar and syntax are at an inherent disadvantage in trials. However, I did vote for antagon since his main problems are in grammar - I can understand everything he says with ease. Other players in other elements' trials; not so much.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: GG on August 10, 2010, 04:08:26 am
As a member of team fire, i have seen how pro antagon is in this game. my vote goes for him, and him only.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: MrBlonde on August 10, 2010, 04:25:31 am
i dont use capital letters or apostrophes, cause i used to type with one hand, while lying in my bed, and if thats enough for you to dont vote for me, so be it.

the grammar is the result of the fact, im no english native. thats the reason, i didnt even try to write a wiki-article, at phase1. if i lose my title, ill still try to play for team fire at war - if the next master want me to be part of the team - because i think i could be an important part of every team, also if i dont have the final decision. of course i would also give my best in any other team, but i would prefer fire.

the only other "job", i would be interested in, is the job of a deck helper, cause i always spend hours to fine-tune my own decks, and like to help others, doing that.
I certainly give Antagon a freebie when it comes to grammar considering his first language is German (i'm assuming that anyways since in your FG farmer post the tabs were all in Deutsch). Also i haven't had any problems understanding his posts.

And like i mentioned before i actually like all the people participating in this trial. I will definitely be watching this competition.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Svenningen on August 10, 2010, 09:20:03 am
Q: Fire did a fantastic job in the war (congrats again to Team Fire!).

That said though, some of the other masters and competitors have shown to be helpful in other aspects of the forum (PvP/Tournament organizers, Wikipedia editors, etc. for example). If you couldn’t obtain the title for Master of Fire (and subsequently, the Grand Master title), would you be willing to try out for another position instead? Why or why not?
Oh, absolutely! I would try to take on anything that I would have the time to do, moderator, chat-mod. Anything except tournament err responsible, because thats either 7 in the morning, or 7 in the night on a Saturday, wich are days that I dont spend inside playing too often anymore. That aside, I wouldnt mind that job. I tend to sit in chat, and answer people's questions, helping with decks, and dong what I can to ease the jobs of the others (chat-admins, deck-helpers, tourney-folks (IE: answering those: "Where's the tournament button type of questions")) It will sum up, I would and will try to do what I can to better and help the community, because the community is in my opinion what holds this game together. It's also a brilliant community, I feel that everyone "knows" everyone, atleast since I became a regular, I know who most regular's are. And everytime im on the PC the first thing I do is check out the chat and the boards here. =)
I hope this was to any help, Kuro. I tend to just write nonsense after such a long reply. =)
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Svenningen on August 10, 2010, 09:38:28 am
I also helped to create some fun rules (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,1303.0.html) for casual PvP where off-the-cuff deck-building skills were important.  To me, deckbuilding is the best part of this game.  I love living on the cutting edge of deckbuilding strategies.  Using the same decks all the time is absolutely, horrifyingly boring!  Make new rules, change the metagame, and force people to rethink what makes a good deck.  That's how I like to play.
This is a brilliant part, I agree. I played one or two with you and Coke, and at first I was mildly afraid, because I didnt have your experience, but In the end I did make something mildly unexpected, it was a really weird :fire/:aether duo that I believe I won with that one time. And I would like to see this played ALOT more in chat, so I'm hands down bookmarking that thread, thanks Dragoon.

As for the grammar-typo's and uncapitalized letters, Antagon blame not being a "native" english speaker. Well, neither am I =) Im a viking, and thus I speak viking. Well, not really. I speak Norwegian =)
So feel free to correct me at any point, I like to be corrected, that way I can learn from my mistakes.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Corrum on August 10, 2010, 12:23:40 pm
I have a question for the competitors.  There is allot of focus on the war right now since it was such a huge event and fresh in everyones mind, the role of the master there seems to be a big factor for showing proof.

So my question is this, outside of the war, what do you each think is the biggest influence you will be able to provide for our beloved element of :fire?


::edit::  maybe I didn't word that well, just what you think the biggest role of the master is for Fire outside the war.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Wardead on August 10, 2010, 01:16:17 pm
Q: @ ALL: If a noob comes and tells you Fire sucks (say he never witnessed the War) and they have weak creatures (less HP) , blah blah....How will you respond?

Q: @Antagon, We all know you are awesomely awesome, but who do you think is a better challenger for your title? Dragoon, Kev, Svenn, Azumi?

Q: @KevKev, You were a vital part in the War, even though you were considered as an underdog, and now you have proved yourself to actually maybe winning this trial. But you seem to have less community support, do you in mind something 'special' about you which would differentiate you from the other challengers?

Q: @Dragoon, Even though you have massive experience in the game, and might even beat Antagon, you still left  :light . Why did you leave Light for Fire?

Q: @Svennigen, You seem to be under-confident of yourself, but there is still Phase 2 and 3. What do you plan to do if you are Master of Fire?

Q: @Azumi, You were with  :earth in the War and played great, but eventually lost to FIRE, and now you seem to join Fire. But your inactivity seems to divert members to vote for other challengers, how do you respond to this?
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: kev on August 10, 2010, 02:31:09 pm
Q: @ ALL: If a noob comes and tells you Fire sucks (say he never witnessed the War) and they have weak creatures (less HP) , blah blah....How will you respond?
The beauty of elements is the balance between elements so different from one another.  Fire's creatures DO have less HP than other elements, but they also have more attack.  And the element boasts
But if you really feel that way, noob, let's pvp.  Go ahead and use your mono-water deck.  I like my chances.

Q: @KevKev, You were a vital part in the War, even though you were considered as an underdog, and now you have proved yourself to actually maybe winning this trial. But you seem to have less community support, do you in mind something 'special' about you which would differentiate you from the other challengers?
At the risk of tooting my own horn, I think I'm a more accomplished pvp'er than many give me credit for.  I've won two tournies, but I've only been in five.  I placed in the Champions League.  And my record in the War (against  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,8113.0.html) some  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7707.0.html) extremely  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,7707.0.html) talented  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,9332.0.html) players (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,9007.0.html))  means more than just "I'm no slouch."  It also means I never required subbing and I picked up the slack when teammates had irl obligations.

As I'm seeing other players campaign, I see what other players consider important in a candidate.  I'll use this opportunity to note that my two tourney wins earned me two :fire marks and I'm currently one of only seven players to design a card  (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,6640.0.html) that reached Level 3 - Armory.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Wardead on August 10, 2010, 02:39:21 pm
Really good answer, I see you're fit to be Master, but I'll wait for others to answer too.

Really good job, Kev.

Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: kev on August 10, 2010, 03:17:53 pm
So my question is this, outside of the war, what do you each think is the biggest influence you will be able to provide for our beloved element of :fire?
I started with Wardead's question because it's super easy to answer "What's awesome about fire?"  :D

I think the most important job of a Master outside the War (and all veteran players) is really just to be there to lend a hand, especially to new players.  Many other candidates in all the Trials have high post counts and are very active in chat, providing advice to the wandering noob.  I'm pretty frequently in chat and I also try to set myself apart through the quality of my posts.  Additionally, I have twice as many posts in Deck Help as anyone else running for Master of :fire.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Antagon on August 10, 2010, 03:50:33 pm

So my question is this, outside of the war, what do you each think is the biggest influence you will be able to provide for our beloved element of :fire?


::edit::  maybe I didn't word that well, just what you think the biggest role of the master is for Fire outside the war.

representing the element. that means to me, being the first person to ask for anyone, if they have questions with fire-based decks (also popular dual or rainbow decks like fractal-phoenix or speed golems). i did that, for example, after unionruler asked me at chat to comment his thread (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,8764.0.html), and be here to help with decks. that doesnt mean to help newbies with their decks (including your element), therefor we have deck-helpers, but help fine-tuning, help with mathematics to optimize decks or suggest any additions/changes of decks.

Q: @Antagon, We all know you are awesomely awesome, but who do you think is a better challenger for your title? Dragoon, Kev, Svenn, Azumi?

kev, for sure. i nearly dont know sven and azumi, and i have respect from dragoon deckbuilding-skills, but im able to say something about kev: he is a great deckbuilder, player, and also showed great analyses-skills (at war), he is always friendly with a bit of sarcasm, i really like that.
beside the fact, i want to stay master of fire (forever), i couldnt mention a better choice than kev. - except me, of course ;)
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Dragoon on August 10, 2010, 06:16:01 pm
I have a question for the competitors.  There is allot of focus on the war right now since it was such a huge event and fresh in everyones mind, the role of the master there seems to be a big factor for showing proof.

So my question is this, outside of the war, what do you each think is the biggest influence you will be able to provide for our beloved element of :fire?

Fire already enjoys quite a bit of prestige thanks to Antagon and team Fire.  But even before them really, Fire has always had much to offer players.  I will of course continue to help new players but probably take even more time on Fire related decks.  If I get the time, I had considered writing an article taking a person from the opening screen through to FG slaying with various Fire decks.

Q: @ ALL: If a noob comes and tells you Fire sucks (say he never witnessed the War) and they have weak creatures (less HP) , blah blah....How will you respond?
So what that the creatures don't have much HP.  You take 6 Crimson Dragons and 4 Phoenixes and let them hit the opponent just once and you'll do 100 points of damage.  I'd like to see another element that can boast that much sheer power.  Fire is the best element in almost every way.  Power, versatility, speed—Fire is practically unmatched in these critical areas.  Whether you want to build an aggro deck with lots of speed and powerful creatures or a control deck with lots of CC and PC, you really can't go wrong with Fire.  I'd be willing to play a Fire deck against any other deck to show that Fire is just flat out awesome.

Q: @Dragoon, Even though you have massive experience in the game, and might even beat Antagon, you still left  :light . Why did you leave Light for Fire?
Well, I already explained why I joined Light.  Nothing against xdude or anyone else in the Light trials, but really there's very little that draws me towards Light.  It is a good element in many ways (especially upped), but I think more than the element, people underestimated our team's deck-building skills in the War.  Of course, I would give everything I had for any team and element I was a part of, but Fire just plain rocks.  Really, to me, there's little competition as to what element is the best.  Fire is just good on so many levels it's almost not even fair for everyone else.  And of course, I have my own personal history with using Fire.  Ever since I was smashed to bits by Chival's upped mono-fire deck in the early days of t50, I have aspired to become like him in wielding, in my opinion, the best element in the game.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Azumi on August 10, 2010, 07:50:27 pm
First off..People know me, I'm kind of a big deal, I own many leather bound books, and my room smells of rich mahogany. BEAT THAT!  :P

Second of all I won't be lobbing for any votes. If you do vote for me many thanks but seriously its a wasted vote. Dragoon has proved that with math and currently my school work is going to get in the way of the trials as I will be helping with orientation this year.

Third...I will be lobbing for votes since I think its a bad thing to back down from a challenge. I  voiced my want to become a master early on when I came back from a long vacation and set my sights on it. So if not this trials maybe another down the line.

My vote was split between Antagon and (drumroll) Kev. I respect all the players that are challenging Antagon for his position as well as Antagon himself. Even though I have never really talked to him as much as I have the other challengers I have grown to respect him as a player.

My vote went to Kev because I still remember him playing when the game just started. If Alaska was going for fire master my vote would have gone to him no questions asked. But more on that never. I feel that Kev is more than quaified for any master position but he choose fire..maybe to spite me..or stalk me..who knows. Anyway Kev b/c he has the same about of skill or greater than Antagon. 'nough said.

Q: @ ALL: If a noob comes and tells you Fire sucks (say he never witnessed the War) and they have weak creatures (less HP) , blah blah....How will you respond?

Q: @Azumi, You were with  :earth in the War and played great, but eventually lost to FIRE, and now you seem to join Fire. But your inactivity seems to divert members to vote for other challengers, how do you respond to this?
Question 1: If you look at almost any game Fire is well known for what? POWER thats what. Ask anyone on the street. DO IT! Fire might have weaker creatures in the form of HP, the dragon is 15/2, but look at its power. 15! that is amazing. Not to mention all of the OTK (one turn kill) decks out there that are fire based. IMO darkness should easily have more OTK decks but it doesn't. Neither does Water that also has ice bolt. Perma frost shield is used in a few of the most used FG decks for stalling so why not tons of OTK Water decks? Fire is obviously the stronger deck choice. Creature why...sure weak but they server their function well. Ash eaters become Brimstone eaters and produce fire quanta, fire dragons do massive damage, fire spirits can gron in damage, lava golems are very strong and are used in the famous Golem rush decks/non pillar rush. And lets not forget the phoenixes. Fitting the name and myth/legend they just wont die.

Question 2: Inactive!? Where have you been on chat. I am on for at least 1-2 hours a day and more than enough time on the weekends. I dare say I stay on chat almost 12 hours on the weekends. I hold the title for first CL of 2010. I have built plenty of decks, though rarely posting them, I do give them out when asked on chat and recently posted most of my speedbows and an HB killer deck. True I lost to fire in the war..once or twice I forget but one of the times was a suicide deck. I was more than active during the war though I did lack in the deck building descussions b/c of work and school. The only reason why I am not going for earth is because I respect Terroking, which may seem as an excuse but hey thats my opinion, too much.



Showing the awsomeness of Fire. Creating new decks for fire that show or versitle it is and that it can do more than just OTK bolt.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Ant-n-ero on August 10, 2010, 11:35:08 pm
'Who would make the best Master?' would that not be Antagon (who got my vote)
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Svenningen on August 11, 2010, 09:18:25 am
Q: @ ALL: If a noob comes and tells you Fire sucks (say he never witnessed the War) and they have weak creatures (less HP) , blah blah....How will you respond?
First, I would ask why he is writing such nonsense, then I would challenge him to a duel using his rules, and beating him with a fire-deck, proving him wrong =)

Q: @Svennigen, You seem to be under-confident of yourself, but there is still Phase 2 and 3. What do you plan to do if you are Master of Fire?
I plan to do my job, and take on every challenge I'm given with as much effort I can muster. I'm confident that I will become a great master =)

I have a question for the competitors.  There is allot of focus on the war right now since it was such a huge event and fresh in everyones mind, the role of the master there seems to be a big factor for showing proof.

So my question is this, outside of the war, what do you each think is the biggest influence you will be able to provide for our beloved element of :fire?


::edit::  maybe I didn't word that well, just what you think the biggest role of the master is for Fire outside the war.
Well, looks like two different questions to me, but I'll answer the one I understand, the last one. As I've never been a master of an element before, I have no idea what the biggest role of a master is. But I'm sure spending alot of time in the fire-deck forums, helping and commenting would be of good use for myself and the community =)
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Wardead on August 11, 2010, 11:06:00 am
Well, I'll keep my vote hidden for now. Its between Kev and Dragoon though.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: harry959 on August 13, 2010, 02:36:12 am
How would you put a fire out?
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Svenningen on August 13, 2010, 09:21:41 am
How would you put a fire out?
I wouldnt, as the master of fire I would just change its course to something else =)
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Azumi on August 13, 2010, 10:55:31 pm
How would you put a fire out?

By feeding it until it consumed everything.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Dragoon on August 14, 2010, 01:08:40 am
How would you put a fire out?
By walking into it and absorbing it into my body.  Being a fire elemental is pretty cool, eh?
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: DrunkDestroyer on August 14, 2010, 08:57:27 am
Looking at Antagon's post, he makes some good points, but the grammar... I prefer masters understanding how to use capital letters  ;) . It makes their posts easier to understand and taken more seriously.
Even though it goes directly against my signature, I have to vote for Antagon.
I generally judge people on spelling/grammer ect (even though I am a frequent offender), but Antagon has really shown us. He lead his team to win the war (against Earth! Completely screwing up everyones and my war predictions!) and was undefeated in the war.
To me, there is zero question that Antagon should be Master of Fire (and Grand Master, until another steals his throne). He seems to truly be, the master of fire in all respects, whether he uses capital letters or not.
To me it seems like this: He is like a wise old man, who does not always comply to social conformity/etuiquette but often shows insights to the world. He might have to have a 'representative' to rephrase his ideas and paint him in a good light, but there is no question os his worthiness to be the master
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Hobnob5000 on August 15, 2010, 09:53:07 am
Hmm, well, Antagon is an awesome master. However, I have experienced first hand Dragoon's community-helpingness. He was probably the most active of all light members in the war. Sorry guys, but my vote goes to him
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Antagon on August 16, 2010, 03:14:26 pm
thanks to all, who voted for me, for the incredible trust in me as master of fire, never exspect that!
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Dragoon on August 17, 2010, 01:31:57 am
Congrats Antagon.

Thanks to all of you who voted for me.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Azumi on August 17, 2010, 06:53:03 pm
Grats to Antagon.

and wtf!? 1 vote for me?..thats just hilarious..and no thats not my vote. I gave kev mine...who voted for me? :o
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Demagog on August 17, 2010, 07:14:13 pm
I think people didn't vote for you because you told everyone you would be a warmaster. Congrats on that, by the way.
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Azumi on August 17, 2010, 08:03:08 pm
I think people didn't vote for you because you told everyone you would be a warmaster. Congrats on that, by the way.
thanks....that might be the reason but i'd still like to know who gave me that 1 vote  8)
Title: Re: Phase 2 - Community Vote
Post by: Ant-n-ero on August 23, 2010, 06:48:16 pm
lol @ Azumi XD 1 vote lololol

wow, Antagon won by a landslide, I hope this isn't just because he is the winner of the war and master of fire already, but because people beleive in him :L lol