Everyone knows how to beat the easy False Gods. You know who I’m talking about - those scrubs like Ferox, Miracle, and Neptune. They’re the False Gods who were only accepted into the game to fulfill the diversity quota, because there weren’t enough False Gods using cards from Life, Light, and Water. Now, I’m not going to waste time with those fakes - or False False Gods as I call them. I’m going to show you how to beat the ultimate king of False Gods, Hermes.
Why is Hermes the strongest, you ask? Because he has the most Fire cards. Take a look at his deck - that’s 106 fire cards. There’s no way you could beat that with some kind of chump-change 30 card deck, no siree. Nope, what you need is 60 cards of pure, raw Fire.
Now, how should we defeat this flaming behemoth? He’s got 12 Explosions, so we probably shouldn’t use any Fahrenheits - they would just get destroyed. For the same reasoning, we don’t want to use any Pillars either, so let’s fill the deck with 30 Fire Pendulums. Good thing we have a 60 card deck, eh? A 30 card deck filled only with Pendulums would be Tier 3, maybe Tier 2 max.
Now, let’s look at the rest of Hermes’s deck. He’s got 12 Lava Destroyers, and we certainly don’t want those puppies to live past their first birthday, so we need 12 ways to kill his Lava Destroyers. Let’s take 6 Fire Shields and 6 Rain of Fires.
Now we need some damage in this deck. We could just use Phoenixes, but those are too generic. No, we need something specifically designed for Hermes. If you know as much as I do about Greek mythology, then you know that
Hermes is the god of ash. How do you defEAT something made of ASH? With 6 Ash Eaters, of course!
Our deck is looking pretty good so far, but Hermes is a pretty tough opponent. In order to beat him, we will need Spirit and Bravery. Let’s take 6 of each. This rounds out the deck to a solid 60 cards of sheer power. Hermes won’t even see it coming.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
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So, how do you play this deck? Easy. Just believe in the heart of the cards.
I’m kidding, it’s a fake screenshot. This deck is useless.