Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Trials => Events and Competitions => Trial of Fire => Topic started by: Onizuka on June 24, 2013, 10:29:46 pm

Title: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Onizuka on June 24, 2013, 10:29:46 pm
Phase 3 - Community Vote

Phase ends when above poll expires.

It's time to vote for your favorite Master candidate!  Every community member has one vote. You can change your vote at any time as long as there is still time on the clock.

Vote based on who you think would make the best Master of that element. Do not vote based on who is the best player or who you know personally. Try to pick someone who you think would help the community the most.  Feel free to ask the candidates difficult questions to help you make your decision.

Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Vangelios on June 25, 2013, 02:01:44 am
To all:
Describe your plan for coordinating efforts among your War team across global time zones.

Edit:  I left a word.
Pella it's easy, just assemble a team with players who are online and active in the forum, is not so difficult to realize  who are serious pvp here, of course this should never be above the real life. Also if necessary in the last condition we have the option to sub it is essential to resolve problems of time zones.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Vangelios on June 25, 2013, 02:19:22 am
Let's make them throw some mud,

@All trialers with 3 or more people in their trials element: Which of your competitors deserves the Master title the least?
I like the question, and after me, Glenn is undoubtedly, he really is true to fire and know use it well.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Pella on June 25, 2013, 02:20:43 am
Let's make them throw some mud,

@All trialers with 3 or more people in their trials element: Which of your competitors deserves the Master title the least?
I like the question, and after me, Glenn is undoubtedly, he really is true to fire and know use it well.
That wasn't the question.  The question is:  Who is the worst choice for Master of Fire?
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Vangelios on June 25, 2013, 02:44:51 am
To all Trialing:

What is your favorite deck, including your element, and for what reason has this deck become
so important to you?

 My favorite element is fire, and my favorite deck is immorush (rainbow version),
is differently because not need pillars, is also super fast most of the times
it seems that this really exploding when we use nova and immolation placing several creatures in play,
I met this deck before entering the forum, and also I had significant victories with him against top players in BL
I think it's magical, simply magical.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Vangelios on June 25, 2013, 03:02:34 am
Let's make them throw some mud,

@All trialers with 3 or more people in their trials element: Which of your competitors deserves the Master title the least?
I like the question, and after me, Glenn is undoubtedly, he really is true to fire and know use it well.
That wasn't the question.  The question is:  Who is the worst choice for Master of Fire?

Ah, furballdn of course, he posted several deck made ​​many feedbacks was in the final against Glenn in the last trial but it is necessary to overcome pvp and have a greater sense of how is the real situation of fire against the other elements, is easy to make feedbacks but it is REQUIRED to have example of winner pvps
also did not like how he was in phase 1, had only one victory that did not exist vs me and the unique game that really played he lost.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Vangelios on June 25, 2013, 03:48:33 am
Would you rather have a master well-versed in the forum only or well-versed in Elements the Game only?
The forum it is important no doubt, but it is very ironic you see someone with the title of Master and not see pvp satisfactory, for me convinces more a pvp winner that does not have much participation in the forum. up because he will post winners deck, which contribute to the forum and is what most people seek here.
damn, Master is a very strong name for someone who only assists the forum and not elements, then I prefer well-versed in Elements the Game only.
suggest another name for which is well-versed in the forum only,  I dunno maybe ambassador, minister ... but master not
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Opsinis on June 25, 2013, 05:41:37 am
Vang: Give 3 areas of improvement you should work on in yourself to become a(n) (more) effective Master?

furball: What have you learned since your last attempt at Master-ship when you fought glen in the finals? How has that affected your disposition?

glenn: Congratulations on your recent Brawl victory. How has working with that team in a non-PvP event affected your game plan for being Master of Fire?

inthisroom: Permanently remove one card (upped and unnupped) from the Fire element. Which one would you remove and why?
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: glennfoo on June 25, 2013, 10:13:25 am
glenn: Congratulations on your recent Brawl victory. How has working with that team in a non-PvP event affected your game plan for being Master of Fire?

Thanks, Opsinis. Well, I think I enjoy the brawl experience. everyone in the team can work on its own, and best of all, they help each other. As a master of fire, I just felt it is a monotonous task, the dojo board is very quiet, the card section is very quiet. I am in the volcano just watching the scenery. so this brawl comes, and at least I have fun with my teammates in a totally different environment. less spell casting and fighting( meaning fewer destruction)  but more weapon making in furnace (stills remember the comic?)
If there is one thing I learn from brawl, so that it can help my master plan, then it is auction. The rest is business secret :P but I hope you know what I mean.

What irl (in real life) animal represents fire the best in your eyes?
Yes, surprisingly. I would have chosen phoenix as well, but then again, some say it is mytical and the phoenix I know irl is not the kind I have in mind.

Question for all: What makes a war team winning? list the top 3 (bits and pieces were answered in other questions, I would like to see the most important with some explanations plz)
team activity. I think it is important to test decks you are going to play yourself. It is difficult for 1 men or 2 men to make 6 decks, and even if you are a newbie, you should start to be familiar with your deck.
secondly, mindgates. nothing is more important than that. sadly it is a skill that is difficult to master, since it comes with luck and prediction as well. If I were granted a passive skill to help me in war, I will ask for better mindgate ability.
third mindgate again. I really cannot stress how importance it is. making enemy vault, deck building and testing decks, are actually related between team activity and mindgate, and if these thing combines, it increases your winrate.

All contestants: Feel free to be honest. But do you feel that fire and yourself are connected on a different level or just an element you like in a game? Why?
they are connected to a different level. it is not just an element I like in the game. when I started elementsthegame, I choose fire in the first place not because of it usefulness, but I like it already before hand.
fire seems destructive, but to me it symbolise something else, protection, leadership, friendship, control.  It is something I have always imagined upon for a long time, so it is hard to describe in words. But that is how I look at fire. Protection, leadership, friendship and control.
also, You do not mess with fire

To all  :fire trialers:
What is the name of the chemical element that used to be considered the source and essence of fire some time ago ?
[hint: according to current scientific view, the element belongs to the world of fantasy, so fitting for EtG  ;) ]
oxygen. just something I look up on, and  rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. still, I don't relate to fire personally that way. If fantasy wise, like what I did, it is protection, leadership, friendship, control

@all contestants : do you consider yourself the best possible master for your element? If so, why. If not, who is in your eye, and why?
(separate question) Name one song that represents your element in your eye.

Yes, I think I am the best master. I think I have showed a lot of passion in it the moment I joined forum? way back from budokan, war, trial, brawl. not to mention when there are talks about element. My passion is should I say fiery??  :P
there are a lot of songs in my mind. I can almost relate any song to fire in my own imagination. Songs from two steps from hell are really good example, like protectors of the earth, archangle, strength of a thousand men.
I like hearts on fire too.

Time to get these question out of the way:
Do you plan to general your element for war?
If nothing changes, do you plan to attempt to lead your element in brawl?

Yes, I plan to be the general for war. And I hope I have more time for it than my previous war. having enough time like my first war will be perfect, but I know I do not have the luxury for it.
For brawl, if nothing changes, then nope. I am glad I won brawl 2 though, but then even if it changes, I am not sure I have the time to take part in brawl 3.
But yes, the reason I join brawl 2 is because I am leading team  :fire . If one of the changes include removing element affinity, then more reason for me not joining. I strongly feels that element affinity is not exactly an issue. We are not having a forum banner for brawl winner anyway.
Yes, I enjoy leading  :fire for brawl, and I have lead it to victory once, just not sure have the time to lead the element for next brawl.

To all Trialing:
What is your favorite deck, including your element, and for what reason has this deck become so important to you?

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4so 4so 4so 4so 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f7 5f7 5f7 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 8po

I love farenheit. To me it is the best card in the game. That is my first forum avatar the moment I have enough posts for it. Just saying that I have always imagine myself with a burning sword. This deck utilise the farenheit perfectly. I always hope I draw this card when I play decks with farenheit.
which fire elemental does not like phoenix, and in my opinion, phoenix are really cool. really really really cool.
which fire elemental does not like bolts, and in my opinion, firebolts are really cool. really really really cool.
And lo and behold, this deck has all of them. I have marks there just for fun. err, better protection against earthquake  ;)
I choose an unupped deck since I usually join tournaments, and they are always unupped. There are very few events that use fully upped decks.

To all:
Describe your plan for coordinating efforts among your War team across global time zones.
This is my biggest dilemma. Usually what I do is wake up at 1 am to 5 am my time. the line in my place is better at that time with fewer users around, and we have titanpad for that. just that it is getting busier for me and I am sometimes too tired.
I have been doing it this way since my first war, second war and recent brawl. having players with the same time like me is a good thing, and well, that will depend on auction and what choice I have, if I am still the master.

Let's make them throw some mud,
@All trialers with 3 or more people in their trials element: Which of your competitors deserves the Master title the least?

no offence, but I will say inthisroom. reason being he is not a player people will associate with  :fire in the first place. but then again, everyone can have a chance. It is not necessary to be related to the element to be considered a master, though it definitely helps in the community voting.
** cleans back the mud **

To all Trialists:
Would you rather have a master well-versed in the forum only or well-versed in Elements the Game only?
Of course both is better. However, between pvp and forum, I will say pvp, since the master has to win trials, and lead a team in war. It will be weird if the master is not good in pvp in the first place.  Brawl is not a requirement, same like guild. But I will say brawl is a good step to let masters have a chance to be more active in forum stuff. However, not many people have the time to get involved for everything, so if have to choose one, I will say pvp.

Chirp? Chirp chirp trill chirp?
watchout for the  :fire :fire :fire :fire  they are everywhere here. If you are feeling cold from travelling, you are welcome to warm yourself here and take a break.

To all Trialists:
How and where are you connected to the Element you are trialing for outside of Elements the Game?

In the working environment, nope. If you read the answers I provided above, you will see that  :fire meant something else for me.
so, to answer the question, it is not only elementsthegame. I will say in dota, I will choose lina inverse, phoenix incarus, and ember spirit.
in games, I usually try make myself fire oriented, like major fire weapon for torchlight, borderlands, or when casting spells, major in fire casting, just like skyrim. If I play tower defence, I usually go with fire element if it is enough to win, one good example is warcraft element tower defence.

this is a bit disadvantageous for fire trials to answer, unless you are a fireman, or working in circus bending fire, or something, or a cook. or a camper.
Oh ya, I am a king scout if that counts. other than that, it is weird to see someone walking around with fire stuff, right?
also, I hate smoking, or open burning, reason being my profession deals with people who sometimes got ill because of that. prevention is better than cure, that is what I always tell them.

@All Trialists/defending masters:
If your first choice element was full, would you switch to another element? If yes, what element and why. If no, why?
Nope. I will prefer not to join at all.
however that does not mean I do not like other element, since my next favourite element is aether, life and light. But preferences for :fire element far outweighs the others

You are to ask yourself a question you can't answer. What do you ask yourself?
If I can turn back time, would I have taken the same path I took now? Will life be better for me? Is this path I have taken a mistake?
** keeps looking at the road not taken, but are too late to turn back**

To all Trialists:
Reveal to the voters your current maximum lift on the bench press.
I am sorry I will not have the time to do this already. You see, I do not usually go to gym, I just burn the fat off in front of my laptop. ** currently does not have a bodybuilder shape with 6 packs, but I am definitely slim build with reasonable muscle from my ex scouting time. If I plan to do this, I will need to eat more so as to get some more bulk to train the muscle.

This time I'm having some trouble deciding on who to vote for in some of the elements, so I'm tossing the coin.
I don't know many of you trialists personally, and I don't have the necessary chat-time to actually get to know you better - I can look up both your ingame and forum "qualities" (which I did), furthermore, awards and staff positions aren't that impressive to me in case of mastership: So please, tell me about yourself, the person behind that avatar and hundreds of (well-planned) posts and quotes.
You're free whatever to answer, it may or may not be a deciding factor. Thanks.

May the coin you toss favors me, and if it does not, I implore you to flip the coin again. and again and again until it favors me.  :P :P :P
I am just someone who found elementsthegame while browsing, and end up enjoying it. Then I got myself involved in the forum, and I like the community. I like the war and trials concept, and many thing else. Forum events, competitions and tournament make pvp even better than just ai and pvp 1 and pvp 2.
Other than that, I am just a student, about to enter final year in university.

To everyone:
Design a card that is more or less balanced using typical balance formulae, yet would increase your element's power significantly. In other words, identify where your element is weak and design a card to remedy this.

I have difficulty in this section. Card designing is not my forte, and the first card I design is during brawl, and it is a teamwork at that. Balancing and such needs more experience, and I fear currently at this stage the more I try balancing it, the more I will make it inbalance. Since I want to enjoy making a card, I will go with what I like. At least, I can declare this is the very first card I make myself.

With this I present to you, the card

The Last Stand
7 :fire
Spell card
You must equip farenheit. Your hp remains next turn.  Your creatures are immolated.Lost when you draw 2nd card.
The Last Stand
12 :fire
Spell card
You must equip farenheit. Your hp remains next turn.  Your creatures are cremated.Lost when you draw 2nd card.

Frank McCarthy - The Last Stand - Little Big Horn
This card will give you an edge for rush versus rush deck. A turn may be just what you need.
Farenheit must be equipped before using this card. All your creatures are immolated. This allows you to damage opponent with the farenheit.
On your opponents turn, you will not be receiving any damage or any healing. Any poison that is supposed to damage you does not hurt you, though the poison is still there. sanctuary will not increase your hp as well. You will then damage your opponent for the last time.
The reason for " You lose when drawing 2nd cards" as a means to consider you lose instead of "You lose in the following turn" is to avoid hourglass, precognition, of shard of bravery abuse.

There are definitely room for improvement, and this card is introducing something else entirely. I am not posting this in the card idea and section, just something I like and perhaps could relate a little to previous questions and answers. So far, I think fire is quite balanced other than the brittle creatures. It has the creature control and permanent control cards. I do not exactly want to make a card for healing or improving fire creature hp.
So yeah, my first card I design.

With this, I present to you this music
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Vangelios on June 25, 2013, 10:34:03 am
Reserved for future responses, should have done this before. :)

Vang: Give 3 areas of improvement you should work on in yourself to become a(n) (more) effective Master?
1 Pvps - am satisfied but I know I have to improve. yes I need to research more on the topic and see synergies, decks and duels of fire. look more into other elements and to have a real sense of how fire be in relation to other elements, be necessary to study and play with the other elements is very important too.
2 Game Suggestions and Feedback - I already gave some suggestions for improvement in an nerf and buff cards but I need to resume this practice more frequently.
3 Deck Ideas - yeah I really need to work on it, give feedback and suggestions to beginners and deck buildings.

@all contestants : do you consider yourself the best possible master for your element? If so, why. If not, who is in your eye, and why?
Yeah, I consider myself the best possible to be master for my element.
 Pvps satisfactory I have time for the forum and I'm active user.
 I like the game and some areas such as :
* Card Ideas and Art.
* Suggestions and Feedback.
* Game and Events and Competitions.

How and where are you connected to the Element you are trialing for outside of Elements the Game?
Marsu, well your question is stranger, but I'm risking,
 I have understood "what contact I have with my element in real life"
 I do not have much contact with fire only when I'm cooking or bathing Sun, I hope not disappointed you

What irl (in real life) animal represents fire the best in your eyes?
The serpent, this in the mythology often associated with fire, also because is reptile as dragons.

All contestants: Feel free to be honest. But do you feel that fire and yourself are connected on a different level or just an element you like in a game? Why?
Rose the fire for me be same level of other elements, see just the last war, also in BL I use other elements to win. I like fire because it symbolizes courage and purification, it is also used for several important things in our lives, I think fire a element natural fantastic and also without fire there is no life as we know.
 In the game my choice was simply charismatic for the reasons mentioned above and because I had a RPG character who used fire.

What is the name of the chemical element that used to be considered the source and essence of fire some time ago ?
[hint: according to current scientific view, the element belongs to the world of fantasy, so fitting for EtG  ;) ]
damn that difficult question, but I'll risk
Quintessence? ah if I am correct I was the first to respond
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: furballdn on June 26, 2013, 04:00:14 am
To all Trialing:

What is your favorite deck, including your element, and for what reason has this deck become
so important to you?
It's an outdated, but debauchery (http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=39862.0). The simplicity of it was just beautiful for its time. It had excellent synergy, with phoenixes, cremation, and shards being tied together, and the massive damage it inflicted with its speed was just devastating. That deck alone was what made me like Fire as an element.

To all Trialists:

Would you rather have a master well-versed in the forum only or well-versed in Elements the Game only?
While I might prefer a master being more well versed in both the forum and the game, masters are usually often just seen as generals in war, so to fit that mindtype of the forum, probably a better EtG player.

To all Trialists:

How and where are you connected to the Element you are trialing for outside of Elements the Game?
Fire? I work in a lab that has fire. Is that close enough? Maybe you're talking less literally. Fire represents burning passion. Do I have that? Noooope. What else does fire represent? Fire represents doing one thing, and doing it extremely well and quickly. Fire is the idea of focusing on just one aspect and sharpening it to the sharpest possible edge. This represents me in how I usually spend most of my time on one thing that I really enjoy, and dedicate all of my time into the things I love.
@All Trialists/defending masters:

If your first choice element was full, would you switch to another element? If yes, what element and why. If no, why?
Probably Air. Air always held a special place to me because it was the first element I chose. Air also has a natural link to fire in that it is oxygen that fuels a flame. Just like debauchery, that one great deck.

furball: What have you learned since your last attempt at Master-ship when you fought glen in the finals? How has that affected your disposition?
Dim shield is annoying. Don't get out predicted when picking bans. Ha. On a more serious note. Yes, it changed the way with which I viewed people, and especially Glenn. It changed the way I viewed the competitive side of the game with its different metas. Affected my disposition? Trials is probably the thing that hit me the hardest. It was a great game with Glenn, but losing because of illegal decks really hurt me and my feelings for EtG. I'm not as excited and active as I was before, and I doubt I can ever be.

@all contestants : do you consider yourself the best possible master for your element? If so, why. If not, who is in your eye, and why?

@All trialers with 3 or more people in their trials element: Which of your competitors deserves the Master title the least?

An interesting drama filled question. Let me just speak my opinions. Personally, the best I think is Glennfoo. From my games with him last time, I knew him as someone who was very interesting and kind, and I highly respect him as a player of EtG. From Vangelios I get the idea of an extremely hot headed fellow. While I acknowledge and respect his PvP abilities, I can't say the same about his personality. Vangelios, I understand your frustration, but I can't accept you pinning me for things I am not. Inthisroom is sort of a "dark horse" to this, in that he's probably the least expected to run for Fire. I don't know about his PvP, but I do know that he has some interesting and fun decks, and he's quite nice too. Speaking objectively, I probably deserve to be the master least based on the recent events, and to not further the drama llama, I will just say that real life is busier, and I am not as active as I was before. I just don't have the fire I used to.

Since itr is a dark horse, I'm going to bet that the final battle will come between Glennfoo and Vangelios. From one, you get the more tame, controlled fire, while the other has the bursting and ferocious one. In my opinion who is better? I'd probably go with Glennfoo. Glennfoo, your calmness and controlled temper is something that I respect, and those are also attributes a general should have when dealing with teammates. Regardless, I hope that if you two fight, it will be a battle that burns brightly.

To all:
Describe your plan for coordinating efforts among your War team across global time zones.

Ha. Why am I even answering this for something that will probably not apply to me. Why am I even making this post? The chances of me becoming master are honestly extremely slim, and the votes that are cast for me (if any) are probably from friends or people from the past. While I thank anyone who votes for me for who I am, I urge you to take a look at all the people contesting for this hot spot. Who really deserves it? I honestly do not expect to see myself getting the vote, or perhaps even stealing enough of it to change the fate of it, but I'm making this post merely to defend accusations on my honor and self. I'm fine with not getting mastership or challenger, but I do not want to be slandered.

Oh right. Timezones. Titanpad probably. Titanpad is one of those things that really helped me in life that I gleaned from EtG.

Also: furbal is clearly the best furball.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Jenkar on June 26, 2013, 01:18:18 pm
What irl (in real life) animal represents fire the best in your eyes?
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Jen-i on June 26, 2013, 01:41:16 pm
Cats that go woof

To get a cat to go woof, soak it in gasoline. Then stand back and throw matches at it

Likewise to get a dog to go meow, freeze it solid and run it through a table saw
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Jenkar on June 26, 2013, 02:02:12 pm
You can also throw the dog from a plane. Meeeeeoooooooowwwww *crash*
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: inthisroom on June 26, 2013, 02:45:23 pm
To all Trialing:

What is your favorite deck, including your element, and for what reason has this deck become
so important to you?
Well, I haven't been grinding for ages and I don't really have a favourite deck, I just like building decks with restricted rules, that's why I mainly do pvp events. Besides that, I build all possible silly decks for fun purposes.

To all Trialists:

Would you rather have a master well-versed in the forum only or well-versed in Elements the Game only?
While I personally favor the pvp aspect of the game and I'm not very active on the forum, I believe it would probably be best if the Master was well-versed in both pvp and forum.

To all Trialists:

How and where are you connected to the Element you are trialing for outside of Elements the Game?
I'm a smoker.

@All Trialists/defending masters:

If your first choice element was full, would you switch to another element? If yes, what element and why. If no, why?
As furballdn so fittingly stated, I'm a dark horse, I just love Elements altogether and I don't favor one above all others, every element has its strengths and weaknesses.

inthisroom: Permanently remove one card (upped and unnupped) from the Fire element. Which one would you remove and why?
Fire Spirit, it's the :fire card I probably use least, it's very weak to CC and quite slow to get started.

@all contestants : do you consider yourself the best possible master for your element? If so, why. If not, who is in your eye, and why?
Never having been Master before, I could not pretend to do my job better than anyone else. I couldn't really make out a favourite either, all other contestants seem to be true :fire lovers and I believe they would all do a good job.

@All trialers with 3 or more people in their trials element: Which of your competitors deserves the Master title the least?
See previous answer.

To all:
Describe your plan for coordinating efforts among your War team across global time zones.

Having participated in several wars, my main conclusion is that the key to a successful war isn't the coordination of the various time zones but the alchemy between players.
You can pick the very best, but if they don' get along and do not create some sort of camaraderie, in my opinion it won't be a good and successful war.
So if I was Master, I'd go for people I knew to be active and motivated, no matter at what time they'd be on, Titanpad would do the rest.

Question for all: What makes a war team winning? list the top 3 (bits and pieces were answered in other questions, I would like to see the most important with some explanations plz)

1 - A good alchemy between players, for the previously mentionned reasons.
2 - A team made of people who know what they are doing, some for deck building, others who are more into statistics and, of course, some Google doc pro to prevent vault screwage :p
3 - Luck.
(As potential fourth, the Element you pick probably also makes a difference, some Elements have it a bit easier than others, even though I believe any could do well in war.)

All contestants: Feel free to be honest. But do you feel that fire and yourself are connected on a different level or just an element you like in a game? Why?
I actually do, I used to be slightly pyromaniac when I was younger, a certain incident cured me, though.

To all  :fire trialers:
What is the name of the chemical element that used to be considered the source and essence of fire some time ago ?
[hint: according to current scientific view, the element belongs to the world of fantasy, so fitting for EtG  ;) ]
The answer to this question is in this room.

You are to ask yourself a question you can't answer. What do you ask yourself?

Note, saying "Is this question an acceptable answer to itself?" is not an acceptable answer to this question.
Why are not all my actions and reactions in harmony with my principles?
Why this constant need for self destruction?
Why do I always leave everyone?
Why would I be exposing myself here? :P
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Vangelios on June 26, 2013, 09:24:28 pm
Well, I meditated ... meditated ... but really

I made a mistake with furballnd to offend his honesty,
which led to him retaliate and offend my personality,
which actually was a mistake of Onizuka with 3 weights and 3 measures.
Furballdn I always saw you online, not imagined will suddenly you disappear. especially in the final moments,
sorry, but you're right, real life is far more important,
I was equivocated in my judgment because I am unhappy with the decision of Onizuka
I can not continue in this competition because I don't have more peace for this,
and I conquer everything with peace and harmony, i need of peace always
really sorry by offend your honesty, I fail with you is fact and also ask you not to think bad things about my personality
I wanted to be master of fire and did a nice campain everything right, but things happen
not everything in life we can gain,  I'm also not the type of person who wants to win at any cost I have principles praiseworthy.
on one side I'm sad (because I fail with you and with the Onizuka decision)
but on another side I'm happy to know that I was well and would be able to be master
well, some will be happy and others unhappy with my decision, is normal
I apologize to everyone who voted for me, try to understand that I will not be happy to continue, because I made ​​a mistake and even my Father did not like the mistake I made with furballdn.

thus, probably will be Glenn vs ITR
I'd prefer see Glenn as a master, but if ITR wins we have a good representative also
if I was in the final I would use the same points of glennfoo, yeah I am very proud in this aspect, a duel would be equal to equal,
But ITR do not do this, you will need all these points,
not be crazy like Vangelios. because Glenn is fire.

Good bye trials, no more and never more.

Name one song that represents your element in your eye.
Ah Jenk, just not to get curious, has many sounds, but can be alas de fuego, the last scene, I'm throwing out this trial.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mae8RfNlTBU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mae8RfNlTBU)
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: AnnaMall on June 26, 2013, 09:44:49 pm
I followed this thread with real interest to vote for a master among a very strong lineup. I dont understand really what happened and vangelios is out (I think both furbs and vang went really gentlemently with their comments) and I cannot understand what oni has to do with it.

So question for vang: (if he is not insisting on his above statement). What REALLY happened?

Question for all: What makes a war team winning? list the top 3 (bits and pieces were answered in other questions, I would like to see the most important with some explanations plz)
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: glennfoo on June 27, 2013, 05:32:18 am
Well, I meditated ... meditated ... but really

I made a mistake with furballnd to offend his honesty,
which led to him retaliate and offend my personality,
which actually was a mistake of Onizuka with 3 weights and 3 measures.
Furballdn I always saw you online, not imagined will suddenly you disappear. especially in the final moments,
sorry, but you're right, real life is far more important,
I was equivocated in my judgment because I am unhappy with the decision of Onizuka
I can not continue in this competition because I don't have more peace for this,
and I conquer everything with peace and harmony, i need of peace always
really sorry by offend your honesty, I fail with you is fact and also ask you not to think bad things about my personality
I wanted to be master of fire and did a nice campain everything right, but things happen
not everything in life we can gain,  I'm also not the type of person who wants to win at any cost I have principles praiseworthy.
on one side I'm sad (because I fail with you and with the Onizuka decision)
but on another side I'm happy to know that I was well and would be able to be master
well, some will be happy and others unhappy with my decision, is normal
I apologize to everyone who voted for me, try to understand that I will not be happy to continue, because I made ​​a mistake and even my Father did not like the mistake I made with furballdn.

thus, probably will be Glenn vs ITR
I'd prefer see Glenn as a master, but if ITR wins we have a good representative also
if I was in the final I would use the same points of glennfoo, yeah I am very proud in this aspect, a duel would be equal to equal,
But ITR do not do this, you will need all these points,
not be crazy like Vangelios. because Glenn is fire.

Good bye trials, no more and never more.

You are wrong here, very wrong here. I know someone who plans to quit trial, but for other reason.
But if you plan to quit trial because of this mistake, you are very very wrong here.
Even the person I know who want to quit trial make everything complete before leaving.

If you quit, that is very irresponsible. And here in forum, sometimes you make mistake and offend others, I too are not totally innocent. There is one particular post in forum brawl that I am never proud of, and I regretted making that post. I hope I did not offend anyone but the post remain to serve as a good reminder for me to keep my head cool.
later in war, more drama will happen, and it is important how you are carefully approaching the problem.

I do not like this type of reason to quit, and if you quit, I will remember you as someone not honorable. the best way to solve this is
remember this mistake, and remind you always to keep your head cool, then try your best to win community votes, beat inthisroom and furballdn, and see me in finals. and if you did not meet me in finals, but someone else, then it is acceptable to leave trial that way
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Vangelios on June 27, 2013, 05:59:26 am
Glenn, do not do this to me, look, I remember a movie Star Trek where Spock had to resign the post of captain
because he was "emotionally committed" and that's what happens to me, anyway you really want me to go?
see better my master https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9vHopyEtzs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9vHopyEtzs)
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Roseriya on June 27, 2013, 06:18:46 am
All contestants: Feel free to be honest. But do you feel that fire and yourself are connected on a different level or just an element you like in a game? Why?
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Marsu on June 27, 2013, 09:36:11 am
All contestants: Feel free to be honest. But do you feel that fire and yourself are connected on a different level or just an element you like in a game? Why?

's kinda my question.

More importantly: You guys really know how to make an elephant out of a gnat, as we say here in Germany.

1) I think there is no reason for Vangelios to quit Trials. Your 'mistake' was tiny compared to mistakes some others in this Forum make and not even notice. Your high moral standards for yourself were taken note of. You can still withdraw your withdrawall, to the delight of quite some people here, including me.

2) If you are to keep your decision though, it is something we have to respect. Glenn, I am quite surprised by what you wrote. It definetly does not make Vangelios less hounorable, should he try to withdraw from Trials. I always thought of you two guys as brothers under the banner of Fire and am sad to see that it seems to be easier to break that bond than I thought.

This incident has affected my vote, by the way.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Vangelios on June 27, 2013, 11:52:05 am
 Marsu, I disagree with this "make an elephant out of a gnat" is deeper, would be to remove the BL of you because you did not play with someone specific
Glenn has the freedom to speak in that tone with me, he is my friend and I found some interesting points of what he said actually think he wants me to continue. only this.
And really how this starts to take a nasty domino effect, I actually prefer to continue
let's turn this page and try to have fun, after all is for that's what we are here. :)
then make a fun question, yeah to alleviate this climate, after all you want to be master of life, make ask a question that give life for fire.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: farscape on June 27, 2013, 05:22:05 pm
To all  :fire trialers:
What is the name of the chemical element that used to be considered the source and essence of fire some time ago ?
[hint: according to current scientific view, the element belongs to the world of fantasy, so fitting for EtG  ;) ]
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Blacksmith on June 27, 2013, 10:33:32 pm
Marsu, I disagree with this "make an elephant out of a gnat" is deeper, would be to remove the BL of you because you did not play with someone specific
Glenn has the freedom to speak in that tone with me, he is my friend and I found some interesting points of what he said actually think he wants me to continue. only this.
And really how this starts to take a nasty domino effect, I actually prefer to continue
let's turn this page and try to have fun, after all is for that's what we are here. :)
then make a fun question, yeah to alleviate this climate, after all you want to be master of life, make ask a question that give life for fire.
I'm glad you changed your mind Vangelios. No one is perfect and I think that when you are feeling ashamed of something next step is to accept your misstake and move on, say you are sorry and show that you did not like what you did. And you have done all that, I think your action was a bit drastic but I also think it was good because it means you really meant what you said.

Welcome Back.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Vangelios on June 27, 2013, 11:04:22 pm
Thanks... Well, just be alive to the change of mind :)
and Marsu,  fire needs your vote, please be tolerant
can be I, Glenn, ITR or Furballdn, but vote. no be drastic as I went
I think we this bad phase was passed, which is very important ;)

Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Marsu on June 28, 2013, 08:49:19 am
Don't worry, I did vote. For someone else than I initially voted for, though.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: furballdn on June 28, 2013, 06:01:34 pm
@Vangelios Thank you for your apology. There is also no reason for you to quit, and I'm glad to see that you haven't. Let's just leave it here as letting bygones be bygones and just having it so that the best candidate wins.

To everyone:

Design a card that is more or less balanced using typical balance formulae, yet would increase your element's power significantly. In other words, identify where your element is weak and design a card to remedy this.
That's a bit hard to do considering the element of fire. As a "complete" element, it's hard to really introduce something new to it. Also, the "weakness" that fire has, glass cannon creatures, is also hard to remedy in that by changing that, it loses a lot of the thematics behind Fire. Probably something Fire lacks is anti-control.
The idea of a dying glow is that your creatures are so imbued with fire that they go for one last attack before they perish. This helps patch up Fire's weakness to CC and it adds some extra damage to Fire's arsenal. Synergy wise, this could combine with Immolation, Fractal, or expensive cards like Crimson Dragon. Pricing is based on Eclipse.

All contestants: Feel free to be honest. But do you feel that fire and yourself are connected on a different level or just an element you like in a game? Why?
It's a special element for me because it's the first mono deck (at the time) that I upped. Debauchery was an example of a deck that was so simple and elegant with the ways everything synergized together, but it also misfired sometimes. I loved the chance of something like that, something slightly risky, but bringing large rewards.

You are to ask yourself a question you can't answer. What do you ask yourself?

Note, saying "Is this question an acceptable answer to itself?" is not an acceptable answer to this question.
What will I be thinking tomorrow?

To all  :fire trialers:
What is the name of the chemical element that used to be considered the source and essence of fire some time ago ?
[hint: according to current scientific view, the element belongs to the world of fantasy, so fitting for EtG  ;) ]
Not sure, but in ancient alchemy, fire was associated with Sulphur.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: glennfoo on July 01, 2013, 03:42:14 am

2) If you are to keep your decision though, it is something we have to respect. Glenn, I am quite surprised by what you wrote. It definetly does not make Vangelios less hounorable, should he try to withdraw from Trials. I always thought of you two guys as brothers under the banner of Fire and am sad to see that it seems to be easier to break that bond than I thought.

Marsu, I disagree with this "make an elephant out of a gnat" is deeper, would be to remove the BL of you because you did not play with someone specific
Glenn has the freedom to speak in that tone with me, he is my friend and I found some interesting points of what he said actually think he wants me to continue. only this.
And really how this starts to take a nasty domino effect, I actually prefer to continue
let's turn this page and try to have fun, after all is for that's what we are here. :)
then make a fun question, yeah to alleviate this climate, after all you want to be master of life, make ask a question that give life for fire.

marsu, vangelios got that point. and it is not that simple for something like that to break any bonds. It is not disrespecting his decision, but it is trying to let him see the other way round of things.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: AnnaMall on July 01, 2013, 01:26:38 pm
Really tough one to call, great candidates all over
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: glennfoo on July 01, 2013, 02:00:10 pm
added another music as a finisher move.

I give questions posted here a priority first. Please look at them. It took me a long time to answer those questions XD
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: inthisroom on July 02, 2013, 01:58:00 pm
 :fireThank you:fire
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: farscape on July 02, 2013, 03:28:33 pm
To all  :fire trialers:
What is the name of the chemical element that used to be considered the source and essence of fire some time ago ?
[hint: according to current scientific view, the element belongs to the world of fantasy, so fitting for EtG  ;) ]

I find it funny that none of you  :fire enthusiasts know about Phlogiston (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phlogiston_theory)

The phlogiston theory (from the Ancient Greek φλογιστόν phlogistón "burning up", from φλόξ phlóx "flame"), first stated in 1667 by Johann Joachim Becher, is an obsolete scientific theory that postulated the existence of a fire-like element called "phlogiston", which was contained within combustible bodies and released during combustion.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Vangelios on July 02, 2013, 04:32:30 pm
:fireThank you:fire
:fireThank you Onizuca:fire
 ITR Nothing against you, but the truth is that Onizuca benefit you, anyway good luck against Glenn
 The only chance I had was in phase 2 pvp, and it was excelent for me, I won all games.
 Here I knew I would lose the votes, however did not think it would have 16 votes, I thought it would receive less
 thanks to everyone who voted for me

Lol this is my 1000 post, it was regrettable to have to celebrate it this way, but I'm strong to overcome these things.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: Dopha on July 02, 2013, 04:57:58 pm
Gratz Makk ^-^
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: furballdn on July 03, 2013, 03:42:58 am
:fireThank you:fire
Congratulations inthisroom. Good luck!

To all those that still voted for me despite my shortcomings this time, thank you. It means a lot to me.
Title: Re: 7th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote
Post by: bripod on July 03, 2013, 05:16:55 am
:fireThank you:fire

 :fire  Gratz! ...and best of luck my Brother.  :fire