I'm afraid for this comment either it'll be done at the last day or not be done at all since "outside the box" is pretty judgemental, and I spend a while debating about which ones are and which ones aren't.
Well, by my comment I thought it was pretty clear that fire stall, golem rush and fractix are not "outside the box" in the current meta, but maybe you would be questioning if I meant essence-level outside the box or just some original twist on standand decks. Well, of course I would rather see something completely new, but anything that's not a standard pvp/war deck copy paste would help - I'm not asking you to show me necessarily what
I would consider original, but at least show me what
you would consider outside the box. If your mindset on it proves to be different than mine, will just respectfuly agree to disagree, that's all.
And all this leads me to a more blunt and direct question, after all: why should I vote for you, TFO? Really, I don't want to sound rude - it's an honest doubt of mine. Fire is not even one of my favourite elements, and I didn't even plan to originally ask any questions in this Fire trial (Essence's comment on you sparkled my interest). It was one of the easiest votes for me - I would go with essence, because I think he could truly show us a new face of fire. With him out, Napalm would obviously be my next choice: great personality, skillful pvper, fantastic war history and showed us countless times how well she could play the "tried and true" decks. To vote for you, you would have to show me there's something unique or better that you can bring to the table. If not originality then, what else? I would like to know and, yes, I would be more than willing to change my vote due to a good, honest answer. Bear with me - I went through the trouble of writing this wall of text with the virtual keyboard on my iPad - that shows just how honestly interested I am in your answer.