I truly doubt there's even a single person that's on the fence on whether they're voting for me or not. Pretty much everyone knew what they were going to vote before this trials started, whether you want to admit it or not. Either you think I'm annoying and self-centered, or you realize I'm just here to win games and throw a little shade while I'm at it. If you have some other nit-picky reason I really don't care to hear it (good or bad), and it probably just falls under the above two categories anyways.
If you're in denial and pretend like you're on the fence, I really don't care about convincing you for a popularity contest that's only worth 4 upgrades. The best evidence I can give you is I crushed it in phase 2 with only 3 people doing better than me. Then again, no one cares about PvP results when they vote in phase 3 as is evident from the past 12 trials, and I don't care that no one cares because I already got all the upgrades I need from phase 2 anyways. So yeah, spite me with your None Worthy vote, odds are I outperformed you in phase 2 anyways and couldn't care less about your vote. Do I sound like an annoying idiot to you right now? Well that's cause you probably already thought that, so it's not like I'm losing your vote.
As far as non-PvP aspects about being a master, such as "representing the element" and having "good leadership," this community and game is basically dead. Masters don't do anything except general war, and a lot of them didn't even general last year. Half of last years masters basically never played the game this past year, so pretty bad representatives of the game as a whole if you ask me. Finally, if you can't admit to yourself that I thematically embody

better than anyone else then you need to stop asking non-PvP questions to other trialists like you actually care, unless you want your integrity to look like a spark the turn after it's played.
Thanks for reading, and @immortal feud, future me does not regret banning nothing (including firebolt) in the phase 4 finals.