Maxwell's Demon or Max for short is a very interesting control card. It's primary goal is to strip your opponent from his strong creatures and give you the time to cast your own offence.
How to use:
It hight cost prevents to have many of those in a small deck. So you either have to use a lot of pillars or reduce the number of Maxes in your deck. Another problem is the restriction of creatures. You can kill only those who have more attack than hp. Fortunately most of the cards have that kind of dis-balance by default. Elite Max gets an additional 3 hp, so it's betterto have it upgraded in all situations. Don't forget that just like an other creature, it has to wait 1 turn before it can use it's ability. After that you can start your massacre
If your opponent uses a Max, don't play a creature at a time, safety is in numbers. I know it will slow you down, but what else can you do?
- Amethyst pillars - allow you to play the card
- Fire bolt/lightning/etc. - All cards that inflict damage are great to combine with paradox, as they can kill weak opponents and enable paradox on stronger ones. The best for this task is rage potion, as it gives 5 attack and takes 5 hp. So only an extremely defensive creature will be able to resist paradox after that. I would have to have 10 more hp than attack, and that is very rare. Another good card is lighting, it inflicts 5 dmg for a nice low cost.
- creatures with high damage - Maxes are great to stop enemies attack, but the 3 attack of theirs is not impressive at all. You need something else to finish the fight.
- Creatures with high hp - if your opponent's creatures have high hp (higher or equal to it's attack), than your paradox won't be able to kill them
- Immortal creatures - same, and what's worse, you can't even use your bolts to make paradox work.
- Reverse time/mutation/bolts - Max is fragile and dangerous and therefore he is likely to be dealt with some spells.
- Creature spam - if your opponent keeps playing creatures faster than you can kill them, it's over for you.
Summing up, Max is a very uncertain card. It massacres some decks and completely fails at others and for that reason it is quite unpopular in players decks. Use it at your own risk.
Lycanthrope is an interesting option for people who don't like to accumulate tons of quanta for some heavy attackers. The basic concept of have an offence for a laughable cost at the price of waiting 1 turn, when your units are extremely fragile.
How to use:
The usage is pretty simple. You play it on the field and hope that your opponent won't take it down and than use
to get an incredible boost of +5/+5 stats. Unfortunately the ability can be used once, so you won't get a 31/31 bestiality. It ends with 6/6. I guess you should know that before spending your money on it. The only change in Werewolf is a lower cost of his ability, so it's only good to upgrade him if you expect trouble with dark quanta. Other than that, not a big improvement.
- Novas/Mark of entropy - the creature is so cheap that you don't even have to use pillars for him. You can use your mono darkness and change your mark to get a werewolf every 2 turns or, use a lot of novas to get both
and all other quanta for a cheap creature rush from every element.
- reverse time, creature control - the first card is painful because every reversed creature goes back to it's original state, so you have to grow your Werewolf again, wasting a lot of your precious time. Another problem is that in it's weak form, it has only 1 hp, very fragile unit indeed. Especially to fire shield.
Summing up, Lycanthrope is a good card, because it gives you a lot of damage for a small price. Use it when you want to kill your opponent very very fast.
Antimatter is a unique control card. Not only does it stop your enemies creatures form attacking you, but they actually start helping you to win the game!
How to use:
Suppose your enemy has played a Dragon with 15/2 attack. This is a great opportunity to play antimatter. You do it. And you see, that that dragons stats are now -15/2. "So what" - you might ask. -15 attack means that instead loosing 15 hp per turn, you actually get healed for the same number. In this scenario, you slowed down your opponents attack by 30 dmg per turn! You might even force your opponent to kill his own creatures, isn't that fun? Improved antimatter is cheaper and gives the same effect. Upgrade it no matter what.
- amethyst pillars - this card is very expensive to play. You need a lot of
to cast it.
- liquid shadow - Vampire is skill that turns every dmg dealt by creature into healing for it's owner. If a vampire gets antimattered, if starts healing you and damage the owner! That is why some players liquid shadow and turn their strongest creatures into anti-vampires.
- mutation, grow, ablaze - whenever you get antimattered, you simply cast mutation and receive a brand new creature with a positive attack (or at least 0), other way is to outgrow the damage. You can also reverse or kill the creature but it isn't really a great counter, is it?
- antimatter - yes, the irony of this card is that it counters itself. As you probably know (-x)*(-1)=x. Therefore, whenever one of your creatures gets antimattered, you play the card on it to nullify the spells.
- A lot of weak units - if your opponent play a charge of weaklings, you won't get enough healing to compensate for the high cost of the spell.
Summing up, this card is a powerful game-changer. It can completely stop an attack, and so that you can easily make your giant combo and win.