You are fire trials rejected. Now that jmdt and Kami went out, would you take another chance at joining those?
With the competition weakened so much, probably not. I was going into the fire trials for the challenge as much as anything else.
What does Entropy symbolise for you?
What does the Element Entropy symbolize? (Be precise, concise and complete)
The creation and use of energy in unlikely and typically chaotic forms.
What will you do for this element as a Master? What is your vision?
I intend to write articles about entropy and its uses. I also wish to take a strong element into war to compete with the best players ETG has to offer.
What types of cards does Entropy need in game to finish covering the Element Entropy?
Entropy has nearly everything in various forms. The one thing it's notably lacking is a secondary upgraded attacker within itself.
Q: Discord was a highly controversial card in regards to its strength against mono and duo decks. Even with the upcoming ‘Sanctuary’ card, do you think that Discord should be ‘nerfed’, or do you feel that there should just be more cards added in-game to counter quanta-denial/absorption/removal? If you don't think quanta denial should be affected, should there be more forms of quanta generation (similar to Nova and Cremation in regards to splashing) to help give elements more synergies?
I feel the formula it uses for quanta spread could be changed a little. In my eyes, the problem is not that discord is 'OP', but that it's a bad card. Discord discourages use of non-rainbow decks, while rainbow decks are already highly popular. Instead of taking x-1 quanta (max 10) and distributing it, it could, say, take some quanta from each pool (half the pool, upper limit of three?), and put it all into one pool. That would hurt both rainbow and non-rainbow decks, though it needs some balancing. Without major changes, a nerf of one cost or damage would be okay. I wouldn't suggest stronger nerfing though.
What is Gravity?
Gravity is the force that takes all and diverts it into one. Unstoppable attack, unkillable HP, gravity creates a force that should not be reacted to directly. Gravity is the element that will always win if you play in its territory.
Amilir: At times, the tone of your posts seem to be a bit cold and aloof. Do you think that it would hinder your efforts in promoting your element to others and becoming the Face of Entropy if you were successful in becoming the next Master of Entropy?
I believe I will be able to overcome any difficulties that creates.
1. Which of these qualities should a Master have and why?(Pls choose one from the list.)
Honesty,Compassion,Passion, Diligence,Integrity,Patience,Respectful,Attitude or Others.(if any)
2. Which of these qualities should a Master NOT have and why?(Pls choose one from the list.)
Boastfulness,Proud,Laziness,Disrespectful towards others,Dishonesty,Ill-Tempered, or Others.(if any)
A master should be a pillar of the community. Integrity.
Dishonesty is one that will most wreck a master's standing. Temper is also important.
If you were to create a new card for Entropy, would you create one related to the laws of entropy (such as how entropy always increases, which is how the universe ends), or just a card related to randomness, why?
One related to the laws of entropy. It brightens my day to see little tidbits like that.
For the first deck, BEs would be simplest.
For the second, a generic rush with deflags.
Question: How random can you be?
How random can a cat be when it flies through a skyscraper?
What goes into making a making a successful vault?
Most simply, flexibility. The cards to put out enough counters at the right time. Actually, we just went through everything and asked "Do we want this card? Do we want that card?" There was a lot of debate going on.
To Amilir:
Question 1: You have posted some great ideas, and given insight to many people in the forums and chat.
Where do you gain your inspiration? Where do you look to for advice?
I take a card or a goal and just start working with it. At least some knowledge of game theory is invaluable.
Question 2: Consider this scenario: you become the next
I want you to think of a name of a random player (I highly suggest you write it down on a piece of paper) but do not type out that name here
This player is in the middle of the war. But does not like the team they are in. In fact they tell you that they did not want to join "this element", they would of rather joined team
lead by you.
Give advice to this player, what would you recommend this player do?
I would apologize for not being able to take him for the price offered. I would tell him to do his best and learn for the next war. To try to improve his team and his teammates. That way, next war, he should be able to get in the team he wants.
I'm sorry I couldn't get to these earlier. I had a incredibly busy week and I didn't get to do half of what I wanted to here.