Questions for the candidates of the Trial of  (DesertKnight tracking notes: Form B)
Good day friends, I'm very honored to post these questions directly to each individual candidate, I hope these questions are inspiring and illuminating.
If you find you need clarification or an example of certain things; let me know and I'll edit the question to make it more clear.
Hi DesertKnight,
The honor is all mine that you take all the trouble to take a closer look at all trial candidates and asking personal questions.
So the least I can do is answering them, have fun reading

Question 1: Humor and wit is always a welcome trait of any player regardless of being a master or a guest. Take for example George Carlin who has been both praised and criticized for his humor and wit.
Please explain your personal views when comedy, humor, and/or wit goes too far.
Generally I'd say it is impossible to go too far, as long as you stay desent and are not attacking anyone personally, or stepping too deep in someones private live.
As an example, I'll go for the Clip in my profile of George Carlin.
He lampoons religion by showing some mistakes and fail logic it has, someone with a deep believe might think he goes too far with this, but IMO that is not so.
The reason is that he doesn't insult believers in any way. All he does is talking out of personal experiance and his troubles beliving in a god.
It would be a completely different story, if he said or just indicated: "believers are stupid" or "an intelligent person would instantly see the fail logic".
Question 2: Consider this scenario. You didn't make it in this trails and you didn't make it in the next war.
Give me your strategy, and plan to reach for the role of master in the next trials.
The strategy would most likely be the same as it is now: none at all! Just be myself, complete the tasks, answer questions and keep the spirits up!
I wonder anyway, why would I need a strategy? - Well, of course for PvP, a little mind-reading and tactics is required, but other than that, I don't see a point in it.
Question 3: Consider the same scenario as before. (both trials and war).
Look at the list of names of contestants in this trial, pretend one of these combatants becomes the next master of . However, this master of would like your personal advice for the war. Create speech or sample chat of brief advice for a single/or all of the possible masters.
My advice would depend on the question recieved.
I seriously doubt that I'd be asked for a general advice concerning the whole War since I think all my fellow earth trial contestant are highly qualified and would do a great job without needing much help at all.
As for minor issues, I would always gladly help the master out, but could you please specify this question a bit? There are too many possibilities of issues to write the answers down.
Oh man, look at those cavemen go.
Where on earth are they going?
Also, another question:
Earth hasn't received a card in a while. What would it need?
(Both questions are serious.)
Maybe to a volcano to invent a fried egg? Or inventing singing by throwing a rock on someones foot?
Anyway, no matter what they do, they always go into the future.
Earth needs IMO more synnergies with other elements, except for gravity

Other than that... maybe a killing CC, or a quick cast PC (stun, return to hand, whatever) would be nice.
Hey desert knight. I REALLY want to apologize (to you and others who will ask question after this post).
But I will be gone for three days, (I get back 2 hours before the deadline FML.) And won't be able to answer your question(s)
Once again, I really apologize.... Stupid Real life :/
I'm sory to hear that.
RL also gets always in my way -.- but I'm soo adicted to that stupid game (RL), I can't stop playing it, even though that RPG has such crappy quests, an exp rate so low that you can here chinese people talking and the physics engine is just plain bullshit.
But the graphics are awesome!
Also this:
To readers: Don't vote for me if you're going to disclude $$$ from your candidates because of this. It's just not fair.