Do you think you'l be a better master then TerroKing?
Well, I don't know anyone named TerroKing, but if your talking about Terroking, then honestly, I do not know. I think I definitely have the potential. I am more active, but the only problem is, that Terro is ridiculously good at PvP, something that I lack in. While I am a "meh" level PvP'er, I'm not amazing. But to the question, Yes I think most likely
I will be better.
Do you think that your better then the other contesitants?
Better, No. In my opinion, none of us are BETTER then the others. I'll break it down Person by Person.
Lava Golem:
Great PvP'er and probably better then me in that respect. But, I don't think he has the love of earth that I posses. If you search a little, you will find he was in Trial Of Fire at first and then switched to earth. Otherwise, he would be my pick of the
Another great candidate. He fought alongside earth in War, so he is automatically a good vote. Only thing I think I'm better then him in at this, is experience. "The best practice is not practice at all, but experience." Kudos to you if you can find where that came from

What qualities do you think are best in a master?
And last but not least, Kaker. Honestly, to me, he seems like the earth version of Sir Valimont with his extremely uncanny predictions in PvP. If you go back to our final battle, he played a deck with random novas, just to counter my Devourers, and guess what I played -.- Definitely a great choice as well, but I think he suffers the same fate as Lava when compared to me. I personally don't see his love for earth, but it could still be there.

So as you can see, no one is better then the other, but we all have our strengths and weaknesses.
What qualities do you think are best in a master?
Activity, and Respect.
Activity:Why have a master who's on every other week (not that we have any) as opposed to a master who's on every day?
Respect:If you can't have respect in a win or a loss, IMO, your not master material.
What do each of you feel that you can bring or do for
that is not being done now? This goes for TerroKing as well. You have been around for a long time now, do you ever feel like
has grown stale for you?
I feel like I can represent earth, much the same terro does, but more actively.
What does the Element Earth symbolize? (Be precise, concise and complete)
Earth represents resilience and adaptation. It can stall, and then rush as well. It can play a domination style, or a charge deck. It is so versatile, you can never think what an earth player will do.
What types of cards does Earth need in game to finish covering the Element Earth?
A) A unique mechanic.
B) A killing CC
C) A mass CC
D) A new type of way to produce quanta
These are the things earth lacks. Now if I were talking from a gameplay point of view, I would say don't give earth these, because I don't want it to be TOO easy
Pwn'n masters in the tourney.
What does Earth symbolise for you?
Umm, Oldtrees kinda asked the same question

What will you do for this element as a Master? What is your vision?
I would try my best to lead it well in War, and try to represent it in any other PvP events as well.
My vision would be a representative of earth (Someone using earth as their primary element in most of their matches) winning each and every PvP event, trials excluded.
Many people see Earth for its feared Graboid, and think almost every other card sucks. How would you prove them wrong?
Best laugh of the day. Who dares think every other card sucks? Let's get something straight.
Steel Golem > Abyss Crawler
Stone Skin > Miracle (IMO)
Basilisk Blood > Freeze
Basalt Dragon > Massive Dragon (cheap shot

Quicksand = Blackhole = Devourers
As you can see earth is amazing in many different areas then the Overused not OP, Graboid.
These trials are so legit I'm even going to ask something. It's quite simple actually.
Why earth?
My answer is quite simple as well, actually.

Mah favorite element. If asked I will provide the backstory for why.

And now for a little fun

Disclaimer: Not answering this question will probably result in me not giving a vote to you, regardless of your standing.
I'll be honest, this one (alongside two others) are the most random questions I came up with.
I'm not looking for perfect syllable and word usage, but if you can whip up something that can just make me smile, you get extra brownie points. 
Q: If you can, express your playing style in a poem (length doesn't matter) when it comes to using Earth cards in decks.
Will edit this...