Well, I've been away for the past few days. Since the near end of Phase 1. I managed to hop on earlier when this phase started, but only had time to read some topics and not post. Right now I'm still busy, mostly family stuff, so I skimmed the topic. I understand this will probably lose me some votes, at least, I expect it.
With that said, I'd like to say that I didn't really "betray" earth or time during the war. I simple wanted a different experience, or challenge with deck building restraints before enrolling in trials once more.
To answer the question about perm control, I think that it isn't entirely restraining to the game. Not all elements have perm control, so perm protection isn't always needed. Even going against decks with slight perm control. Besides, if you're not using many permanents to begin with, it's not really too bad. It's like quint. No other element besides Aether has full on creature protection. You can argue that time has this with Anubis, but in the end you still need Aether
I'll read through the topic more tomorrow and answer things I missed or add to this.