What is your favorite Earth card?

Dear candycrushates,
In your opinion, what superhero has done the best job of saving Earth?
The Emprah of Mankind
ok seriously tho it was goku here
To both trialists.
What makes
different from other elements?
I think its versatility, earth can be adjusted to most meta (with fun decks), in fact most meta is based on curbing earth (1000 million earthquake bans in history).
To all earth trialists
Where, in your opinion, is the best place to be on earth.
On top of a mountain (I love hiking)
Question to all candidates (challengers and old master too):
If I apply to participate in War, would you bid on me, and max how many cards ? 
I don't know much about you, If you were to give me a good war app, I might bet 7 cards on you.
I ask my questions from both 2 candidates:
1st Question:
The earthbenders are strong warriors, but some of them are stronger than others. Who do you think would win in a duel: King Bumi or Toph? I'd like to hear the 2 most important merits of both earthbenders and a short reasoning about your choice.
Tough stupid question, Toph was already OP as a kid, pity they didnt show any of her feats in Legend of Korra, from when she was older. Metal > Unforged and also requires greater concentration, however Bumi is an unpredictable mad genius so wont be easily beaten by a blind child with a sixth sense. Bumi win because he has the stamina, earth bends in large volumes, experienced, and unpredictable
Dear all earth triallists:
Shard of Integrity is a very unusual card.
What is your favourite combination of shards to make a shard golem? Why is this?
I like using SoV because it adds an element of healing to a deck that essentially ignores healing, makes for a good comeback win.
to MegroN: Would you play War as General? Do you think you are ready for this? How important was your work last war?
Realistically, do you think you can topple aether? Whats so new/not new this time (more important part)?
Yes, I would love to be earth general, do I think I'm ready? Yes (kinda), it will be a lot of work, but fun too. Do I think I will win or beat Aether? I cant say I see a secret beat Aether formula hidden somewhere, but earth is not an element to be trifled with, very flexible in all Meta. Last war taught me a few things about the importance of information gathering and team building, had some awesome team mates some whose names I have decided to burn now :p (sub)
Earthquake is one of the more common cards to be banned in tourneys and other events. Do you think it is OP in general, or do you think that this is a result of the limited meta in such events?
EQ is OP in certain cases, it all depends on the amount of upgraded cards allowed, the more upgrades available the less important it is to generate large amounts of quanta, this is why most unpped events ban quanta control card IMO, such as EQ
To both candidates:
What is your opinion about Antlion (I would like an analysis at both upped and unupped versions of this card)? OP/UP and why? Should it be buffed/nerffed/berfed? Can you make an original shardless deck which makes original and effective usage of 6 (yes, six) copies of this card? 8)
Its UP, not completely useless but not the most effective card to use though. Should it be buffed? Sorry buddy wrong tree, go bark at Zanz's door, when he gives you full access ask me again
To both candidates. WHat is your favorite earth deck? and why?
This: My first upped deck
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
744 744 749 749 74f 74f 75m 75m 778 778 778 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 77d 77e 77e 77e 77e 77f 77f 77i 77i 77j 77j 77k 77k 77l 78q 8pm
It held its own in unrestricted CL