reserved for all my answers!
A little about me before answers for those who don't know me or know me just a little.
- I've been into 3 wars already (2 in aether including one as a lieutenant and 1 in darkness)
- I am a member of this community for almost 2 years
- I have been very active in almost every pvp event there was
- I've been especially active in beginners and Champions league winning 3 trophies in them.
- I am also an active person in tournaments winning 4 of them
As to why I want to run for earth master, it is an element I always loved for it's versatility and believe me if I get to be earth masters, you will see every kind of decks here! I want to see earth shines and I think I could be the one doing that! I have been famous for putting great stalls in rush tournaments for example. Higurashi who is the one hosting the most tournies will definitly agree here (since she said it so many times!), if a tourny goes slow and it's not because of slow play or desynch... it is almost always me who came with some surprise slow and painful deck!
Kuroaitou: You are right about earth not having that wow card to make lots of people come to our element. The most over powered card earth has must be graboid, and as great as it is, it has tons of counters so people don't see earth has an automatic great choice. Lots of them are using that card with novas anyway so it's not a typical earth deck. The best way to get some respect is probably by making a strong point of our strength in war. Earth has something wonderful... it can bring anything at you and still be good at it (so many ways to stall with stone skin/basilisk blood/wardens, a great denial with earthquackes/pulverizer and rushes with graboids/upped golems. I will also try to use mainly earth decks in pvp events and try to do go at them to show how many effectives ideas earth can bring. And then, well there is always being active on forum and chat to help newcomers do something useful with an earh decks for pvp, arena, ai3, etc.
And now, we're talking about rush decks. Elite Shrieker vs Steel Golem, what should you use?both could prove useful of course, but I really prefer steel golems because it needs so little quanta and it is not easily destroyed by creature control. Earth should always expect creature control because the others element fear graboids so a deck filled with Shriekers will give you're opponent just that!
You have Earthquake in element, but would you ever use Trident? Well yes I would, as a matter of fact my team in the Harry potter event just won a round with trident being the go around card that I proposed! Then again, it will certainly not be my priority and it always depends on how much flexibility I can have with the vault size!
At this point, would you mind telling me a song that reminds you of ? Well, when I think of earth, in my head I always refer to PLANET earth, and it brings me to the old song: it's the end of the world as we know it by R.E.M.
Calindu221: "Can a 50% earth deck have more than 3 strategies at the same time(Denial must be EQ and PC must be Pulvy)?"
Well yes it possible, but it is hardly worth it, because, by shooting everywhere, you lose whatever ways you wanted to use to win that particular game. That deck to have a bit of effectiveness would of course need to be almost 100% upped and it would depend so much on what you can topdeck and starting hand, because you don't wanna denial when you're opponent already had the chancce to build his quanta up. To me a good decks relies on 1-2 ways to win, some exceptions going to 3 but it's already a stretch.
Majofa: Members of Team Rainbro were talking big about how they were the dominant force in PvP, yet there were individual players with more success than their whole team combined. Did that whole thing die off?
For those not knowing what Majofa is talking about, Rainbros we're a team that was assemble a few months ago of veterans of elements to share ideas of decks and counter decks mostly for the purpose of tournaments. To answer you're question now, yes it did eventually died off for two main reasons, one being that we we're criticized because some people think it was unfair that we helped each other, the other one being that not every member could be much active for tournaments for some weeks so we had so little ideas coming from so little of our members. Our success had nothing to do with it. I have no shame of how well I've performed during that bit of time, earnings tons of codes with positions 1 to 4, but you are right that a few people did have at least as much success as our own team (I mainly think of you and TStar but I might forget someone else too).
MrBlonde: I feel Earth has underperformed a little bit in Wars. Am i wrong? Our am i overestimating the strength of comparatively to other elements.
I don't think you are wrong here, but there are many good elements that can fight for top place earth being one of them. Somewhere along the way earth always seems to crumble in the standings without apparent reasons. To me the best solution to this is mainly to stay unpredictable as much as you can because a grabbow deck would only take you so far if it is expected!
Onizuka: All others: Create a limerick about antlion. Hmm, this might be the tougher of all question! Here it goes!
Antlion Oh Antlion!
You come from Zion!
you are strong as iron!
Bob Marley would have wrote about you when on this planet he was still on!
lets all sing this for fun!
Iron! like a lion! in Zion! Iron lion Zion!
DevilLoss: what else do you think a good master should do besides do his best in war what are your other goals/reasons for becoming a master.
To me, a good master should also promote elements as a whole, not only the element he is in (earth won't get that much credit if I we're to keep bashing on darkness for example). For his/her element in particular, the master should try to innovate some decks and make them popular in pvp events, arena, pvp matches, etc. It is also someone who gets involved in a way or another in most stuff about elements and gives the people around him/her the desire to also join. As for why I wanna be master of earth, you an look above, and also I believe I can be the best person to do this task and I know my implication in the game ain't about to drop (then again, all 3 other candidates seems like good fit!
bogtro:I fought alongside CCC and Sevs last war as a member of Earth. I know them both to be excellent deckbuilders and leaders. What qualities do you have about you that make you a better choice (specifically for earth)?
Hmm a better choice is always hard to justify since I haven't fought by they're side, but I did fight in 3 wars already and I had lots of implication in them. I have been a good deckbuilder in every sort of event including wars. Proof that we are tight, we needed a sudden match for 3 people between me and Sevs and CCombobreaker. As for earth decks in particular, well I have including earth in many of my successfull matches, I especially remember my earth deck in the 1st sideboard event that made a real long way and was feared by everyone! you could also think that I've seens the other side of the battles fighting against earth so I know what people expect from it!
kevkev60614: •What is the most important quality for a Master to have?
There are lots of good answers here, but 1 word always kept popping in my mind and it is dedication, if you have it, the rest has a great chance to go well!
•Aside from War General and Brawl Leader, what roles would you like Masters to have?
I am day dreaming here but it would be to put new cards in the game (testing em with other masters and suggesting mostly for you're element)!
•As a War General what qualities would you look for in players during the auction?
1) being affordable! 2) people who I ain't afraid will drop out during the event.
for the rest, I want a mix of qualities that does not need to be present in all players, someone who is good with database to keep the vault updated, a few deckbuilders to help me with ideas of deck, someone with many upped cards or electrums to fill for lieutenant and if possible all of those known for some pvp success.
•Using the past as a backdrop, talk about whether Wardens have a place in War.
They sure do, of course wardens can be very frustrating for the opponent and will make longer games but they have become a very useful tool for us (and maybe for other teams too!) The only cards banned so far have been shards because they are known to be overpowered and makes the game unbalance and they still somewhat are other cards. We don't even ban discords and people are complaining about it being overpowered in a war kind of event.
Sorry for all the questions. I've made decisions on 10 elements and this isn't one of them. I’ll be voting pretty much 100% based on responses in this thread. ... No pressure eh!

KakerLake: I won't vote for you. Whom should I vote for and why?
I was in chat when you said that question first and thought it was a joke, but since this is you're real question, my answer would be Terroking. As to why, I would just say he is a proven good value for earth mastery since he did that already and he was doing much better then just allright from what I recall. Sevs and CCCombobreaker might also do well, but I would choose a 100% over a 95% sure.
Jenkar: I feel like asking the same question as in death : You become master of earth irl, and are granted one power. What do you choose?
Well if I had one power, I would like to be able to irradicate evil from people allowing us to be a peaceful planet.