This question is for everyone, but most especially kirch. Real life happens for everyone, and I know that you just got engaged (Congratulations again!). However, planning a wedding takes a good deal of time and energy. Should you become Master, would you have the time for War? We have all seen what happens when a Master decides/is forced to leave mid-War. This question can obviously be applied to anyone, minus the engagement part.
Obviously, I would not have signed up for this position did I not have ample time to do War/other responsibilities, but, as we all know, often real life can pull unexpected surprises, which no one is immune to. When that happens we have to do our best to cope, and I would try very hard to still fulfill my duties as a Master (If I haven't shown that I'm dedicated to this community by staying with it for so long, well, then I don't deserve any position at all.).