To Thatnewguy: |
It is ironic that I am asking you, this question as a far more "newer player".
I want you to consider this colloquial quote: "...there is always going to be someone better than you. Always"
Use your chosen forum name, and that quote to set up (in your favor) your views on .
In other words, how do you feel about newer player joining death if you became a master? (or how do you view yourself as "that new guy" against the experienced group?)
Question 2: Consider this scenario: you are the master of 
A random player who is "intermediate level" and loves wants to join you in the war. For the sake of the argument, lets say you know for certain this player doesn't have the ability to fully join in the war.
What do you say/do for this player?
Question 3: Again consider yourself as the master of .
Zanzarino personally asks you about , due to his love of that element. He is willing to give a slight advantage in favor for the war. All teams and respective masters, the council and the war master are in agreement, and would allow this challenge no one has any conflicts with this.
What would you ask him to grant your team? (be creative, use any set up of your team in any status.. (example: at a point when you're loosing and could be kicked out).
1. Well, I picture this as being team try outs. Not all the entries are new, some are veterans, but all must make the cut year and year again to be on the team. As of now, I am the new player, Drunk and blonde are the veterans, I have just as good of a chance to make the team. Later, if I became master, try outs start all over again. We must prove ourself over and over again to keep our positions, none should be looked down or disregarded because of how long they have been playing. I welcome all challenges, whether they are new or old.
2. I would tell them straight out, I enjoy your excitement, but you aren't ready for war yet. You can, however, sign up as a rookie if you meet requirements. You can even skip war and join PvP events to hone in on your skills and become an even bigger threat next war around. I was new last war, I was skipped by everyone. I took it hard, but I am better through playing the community. I worked hard, I earned a name for myself. Now, I am here as a master after only 1 war. If I can do it, then with effort, you can be as well.
3. Personally, I would have a problem with this. I would not want an "advantage" over other teams. If I can't win without an advantage, then I must get better. Even if all other masters and so fourth would allow it, I would not. All must be on the same leveling of playing in order for war to be fun, imo. You saw the events cards that gave a boost to all teams at some time, this was unacceptable. I take it in the same format, an advantage is wrong, no matter how small or large. We should be equal starts, which let us show our skills as masters. That is why we are in war, we prove ourself on a community level, equal or not at all. We shall all fall sometime or another, as equals.