It honestly depends on the type of pie
@7wavemaster: As for being a better master than blonde, he has done great for this element for the past 2 times he's been master. I've learned quite a bit and researched into what he has done. I respect that highly, but I do believe I can do better. I know I can serve this community just as well, if not better, than he has. So yes, I think I could be a better master than blonde.
As for blonde and Drunk, I respect them both and know both of them have their own outstanding qualities. I don't believe any one of us is "better" than the other and we all can serve this element with compassion. So no, I am not better than Drunk nor blonde.
As for a master qualities well, you need leadership as a start. You need to be able to help others learn and be friendly, but also be able to have a stern control. If someone is friendly, but never stern, they will be walked all over by people. They also need to be able to accept defeat, but still give the opponent respect. If you can't respect the person you lost to, then they can't respect you when you win.
@korugar: As I told wave, I see that he is a great master and he has been for 2 terms
, but if I didn't think I could do better than him I wouldn't be here in trials. I do think I can help this community more in terms of what to do, where to guide people, seeing that new players get where they need to go. I will contribute in chat, be friendly to all who come into this community and I will serve death with an undying passion (no pun intended). So as far as being helpful, I can be better than him, when it comes to showing my element with pride, respect and proving myself, I will do better than any master has ever done before with