To rob, Fippe : Choose one of the death cards. Make an art about it. This can be a drawing, a poem, a short story, or anything you like, really. If it's a drawing i expect it to be high quality so you may not want to go that route.
One small Flesh Recluse
A Fractal from the


shall take you.
To all: Why do you want to be Master of Death? I mean why did you choose Death?
rob: What is your favorite death deck? (or any deck that includes death cards)
Combining the first 'dual question' into one response: I consider becoming a Master part of reaching a pinnacle within Elements. The best me within Elements is incomplete without a Master-ship. I determined to Trial for Death after contemplation over it being my first AI3 grinders (Chrys+Poison -> Mono-death, un-upped to fully-upped on both), my first FG grinder (PDials pre-shard changes -> PDials 1.32 with in-element shards), and having Shantu bless me with a bid and opportunity to participate on Team Death in War 6. Death deserves another 'trophy in the trophy case' alongside that from War 4.
My favorite Death decks ranked in order of current preference and EtG-deck-love:
Spoiler for rob77dp's fav-death-decks:
1. PDials 1.32
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
710 710 710 710 710 710 710 718 718 718 718 718 718 71a 71a 71a 71u 71u 71u 71u 71u 71u 7km 7km 7km 7km 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 8pq
love playing this deck. I have recorded over 220 FG matches and about 100 Platinum Arena duels with it and nearly countless un-recorded of the same. Also, it is a deck that
hates healing which seems thematically in tune with Death.
2. Mono-deaths
Un-uppedHover over cards for details, click for permalink
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52h 52h 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 8pk
UppedHover over cards for details, click for permalink
710 710 710 710 710 710 711 713 713 713 713 713 713 718 718 718 718 718 718 71a 71a 71d 71d 71d 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 8pk
I look no further than these when in need of _quick_ AI3 matches to break monotony or to grind up some quick rares/shards in Bronze!
3. Speed Poison
Un-uppedHover over cards for details, click for permalink
52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 5i7 8pp
UppedHover over cards for details, click for permalink
710 710 710 710 710 710 710 718 718 718 718 718 718 71a 71a 72i 72i 72i 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gl 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 8pp
Pretty simple AI3 grinders here - make Poison ASAP (no AI3's have Purify) and freeze dangerous critters (Otyugh's, Steamies, etc) to keep the poison increasing.
To all Death candidates:
1) What ideas do you have to help Death win the next War?
Yes, I realize that some answers to that question must remain secret for now. Please answer with "unclassified" answers to the best of your ability.
2) What ideas do you have to make Death bigger/better/faster/stronger/whatever after War?
3) In the game, what is your favourite part of the Death element? What do you not like about the Death element?
4) In the game, what does Death need most? Please answer this question by designing a card to fill that need. Supplying art for this card is DIScouraged. I'm looking for substance, not style. (Edit: Yes, I realize bogtro asked for a card from all trialists. Therefore, please design a card for bogtro first. Then design a second card that helps fill more of that same need or moves to the second-most needed thing. Impress me.)
1) Modify or implement strategy in bidding phase(s) in attempt to ensure all Team members will be active through-out War and to fill in specific roles within War/Team. I have roles identified for each member so none are stuck with multiple roles. I prefer to keep the specifics private for the time being but here's a spoiler:
Spoiler for Vault Manager:
(this role is not so secret or special/unique but important nonetheless)
- S/D/C/P final edits in vault
- ensuring Vault accurately reflects decks used last round, and for next round
- GDocs skillz

2) Winning War 7 will generate/renew community interest in Death which could bring more deck ideas and variety in how players use Death in decks, tourneys, and/or leagues.
3) I love that Death can be an excellent rusher (Fractal Mummy un-upped or Recluse upped; mono-death rush), effectively stall (SoSa if shards allowed, Bonebolt / Pandebonium / BW+CC decks), and fairly effectively get around shields (Poison | Deadly Poison). Basically, I like Death's flexibility. I most dislike Death's total lack of PC within the element.
4) Death. Needs. PC. (Soft PC would probably be the easiest / best fit within the element.)
No surprise - an aspiring future Master of Death wanting some sort of PC for the element.
( to all ) what is your favorite death card, and why?
Which element do you like to duo with the best as a death player?
Favorite Death card: Please refer
hereDeath duo element: As a Death player, I like to duo with Time as stalling effects (Procrast, RT, Eternity, Sundial) do not slow down poison-damages while stalling many types of opposing decks. Close second and third are Water (additional poison sources and Freeze) and Aether (Bonebolt is lots of fun too).
BONUS ANSWER: Favorite Death Trio - PDials.

Do you plan to general your element for war?
If nothing changes, do you plan to attempt to lead your element in brawl?
Yes. No (although I admit only having generic incomplete information regarding Brawl and its experiences). Regarding Brawl, from I know of it and of myself, I am more a PvP and Elements-playing type entity within the community and haven't yet experienced much of the art, CIA, and similar things I somewhat know from Brawl. I add this qualifying information because it is entirely possible I have enough interest to be Death's Brawl leader when it comes around again.
To all Trialing:
What is your favorite deck, including your element, and for what reason has this deck become
so important to you?
(similar to above answer)
love playing this deck. I have recorded over 220 FG matches and about 100 Platinum Arena duels with it and nearly countless un-recorded of the same. Also, it is a deck that
hates healing which seems thematically in tune with Death.
To all:
Describe your plan for coordinating efforts among your War team across global time zones.
This effort begins in the bidding phase(s). As Death's general I would attempt to build a team either entirely in Time Zones that coordinate best with mine
OR have at least a couple (2 or 3 maybe?) team members that are from more difficult Time Zones for myself be coordinated enough to lead/continue Death War preparations in my absence (sleep... work... ... ... other??). Also, sticking to GMT when giving times for matches, preparation, and other efforts is paramount (each person should be able to do simple math to translate to their own Time Zone).

@All trialers with 3 or more people in their trials element: Which of your competitors deserves the Master title the least?
*** The following statement is personal ONLY in that it singles out a certain individual. In no way does it reflect my view of them outside of aspects relating to the inquiry. ***
I consider thatnewguy to be least deserving of the Death Master-ship. This owes entirely to their here-then-gone presence so far during Trials (as evidenced by the 0-1 record plus 3 forfeits). Extenuating circumstances cannot always be avoided, however, this is the criteria I have used to develop my answer here.
*edit* I am not deleting the above for the sake of completeness, but do wish to soften it with 'In no way at all is it intended as an attack or affront to TNG or their contributions here for EtG, Trials, and the community. /edit
Realizing this meant from the voting choices, I have revised my answer.
Based solely on Phase 2 record, Fippe is least deserving. However, this is a flimsy answer based on a very limited source of information. Having been on Team Death in War 6 with Fippe I have no problem with Fippe being Master should he prove capable by winning these Trials.
{I debated refusing to answer on the grounds of nothing-to-be-gained so no-answer, but finally decided this is a game and answering the question held no personal value against or for anyone mentioned in a response.}
@All Trialists:
If your first choice element was full, would you switch to another element? If yes, what element and why. If no, why?
I would switch if Death was full and score/post-count dictated I was out. I would change to Time because I love the versatility. Granted, it lacks PC but I feel that is more than made up by the varying CC and available styles of play. Rushing with Ghosts/Nymphs, swarming build-up with Pharaoh/Scarab-army, stalling with Dials/Procrast/Eternity and usually a Duo element (Light for example), and has excellent duo choices (Dark, Light, Death, Earth...) available. Also, who among us does not have to obey and live within the confines of the construct of TIME?
To everyone:
Design a card that is more or less balanced using typical balance formulae, yet would increase your element's power significantly. In other words, identify where your element is weak and design a card to remedy this.
*** edit: As my original response to bogtro best fits Pella's inquiry, I have moved it and replaced with a new Death card suggestion ***
Revised response to bogtro:
Spoiler for Extinction | Annihilation:
| |
NAME: | Extinction
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 3 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | | TEXT: | When a creature dies all copies in play gain X+1 poison counters. X = copies of creature now in play.
| NAME: | Annihilation
| ELEMENT: | Death
| COST: | 3 
| TYPE: | Permanent
| ATK|HP: | | TEXT: | When opponent's creature is damaged, creature gains X poison counters. X = damage taken.
ART: | | IDEA: | rob77dp
| NOTES: | Death has an awesome shield - Bonewall. These cards would assist BW in withstanding swarms (Scarabs, Fireflies, Mito-critters, and even Adrena-critters if a poison counter from Afla/Plague/Virus exists). Does BW necessarily need strengthening? Perhaps not. This just a card idea. 
| SERIES: | |
You are to ask yourself a question you can't answer. What do you ask yourself?
Note, saying "Is this question an acceptable answer to itself?" is not an acceptable answer to this question.
"When will zanz release another addition of cards to Elements the Game?" (Note:
Nobody knows the answer to this question besides the man himself!)