Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain. We can be like they are.My name is Joey, and I am a challenger to become Master of Death. But before I answer any of your questions, let's start with one which I think should be asked to every death trialist.
Are you afraid to die?
Personally, I am not. We have no way of knowing what comes after. Fearing death is fearing the unknown. When you walk out of your home tomorrow morning, do you know what will happen? You don't. Do you still go out? I sure as hell hope you do. And I am sorry if you don't.
I don't pretend to be the wind, the sun or the rain, nor to be better than death. I simply say I am not scared, because mystery is part of the beauty of life, and death. Which is how death is linked to Darkness.
Which brings me to my next point. I have trialed for darkness in trials 3,5,7,8,9,10,11. Why Death now? Simple really.
I would have trialed for darkness if theonlyrealbeef hadn't. Last year, in my finals against Physsion I realized, I could've taken the title. I am able to take the title. And that was enough for me. I know torb will be a worthy master, and if CactusKing beats him, well he will have proven me wrong and will have surprised me.
Am I saying DANIEELA, rob77dp and asdw152 are unworthy candidates to be master? Not so quick. Let's start with DANIEELA.
DANIEELA has been switching from elements to another for each trial before this one. And I think she is a very strong PvP player in unrestricted PvP. However, winning death trials finals by spamming dims does not show me that she is a master of death. She will have to do better to convince me I should put her on the same step as other masters of Death of the likes of MrBlonde.
rob. Rob is a great guy, and does well in pvp. However, he lost to those dims. For me, that's a sign of bad preparation, both in bans and not realizing how the games would pan out after the bans have been cast. It's also a lack of adaptability for not being able to work it out mid-match and come out on top with his upgrade advantage. Both are qualities that are needed as a War General. Besides, I don't know where DANIEELA got the idea of always playing the same deck ( Where rob played pdials over and over.
asdw152 I think still is missing some experience. I don't know how seriously he takes PvP, so I really cannot talk much about him. But I could really see him become master of death, maybe in a future trial.
But that's enough dirt digging. I have my faults too.
I have failed in trials 8 times now. I brought team

to perhaps one of the worst performances war history has ever seen. But do you know what is great about mistakes? You learn from them. I have learned from my mistakes, and am here to prove it. I got 5 points out of a possible 6 in phase 1 because I put time in my task and tried to perfect it to the best of my abilities. I then asked TrOs what I did wrong so that I could do better next time. Why did I do that? Because one can Always improve. (For the curious ones, www3 told me my deck was too similar to Morte's, and mathman still has not answered). In phase 2, I got 10 points out of 12 in my games, and might have been able to get the last 2 points if we played the last 2 games against rob due to his illegal deck. In my STANDIN games, I got 9 points out of 12, which I think is pretty good considering that those are not the elements I am trialing for.
I think a good master and general is someone who can stand up and be available in the most unexpected times and face the problems ahead. Who stood up last war when there were missing Generals? Joey. Who stood up this trials when STANDINs were needed for some elements? Joey. Who stood up and got the most points in phase 1? Joey. Who stood up and got the most points in phase 2?
Ok, that was rob, I'm not helping my case hereI was thinking of making a parody for this phase 3. But then I thought, is that what people want? Will people vote for me because I make funny stuff? Or because they believe I will make the best master of death? And even if they would vote for the former, is it really what I want? (For the curious ones, my idea was to make a parody of Blue Oyster Cult's Don't Fear the Reaper ''
Seasons don't fear DANIEELA, nor do Joey, rob or ASD, You can be like they are! Come on lady, just vote for jijo! have no fear and vote for jijo!'' etc.)
I have proven my activity. I have proven my creativity (both in phase 1, and by being the leader of the winning brawl team). I have proven my skill in pvp in phase 2. This is my final test. I would say proof of popularity but I don'T believe this is it. I will call it a proof of trust. Trust from the community. Have faith in me
'Cause there are things that I've seen I don't believeAnd please vote for me.
In this spoiler will be the answers to the questions asked by people, updated regularly. Feel free to poke me if I missed something.
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for Said that, explain what's the strenght and weakness of your Element, and, if you had the chance to add just one card (creature, spell, PC, CC, etc...) to your Element, what would it be and why?
I think that the biggest weakness of Death lies in it's dead/useless cards. That is offset by the fact that the useful cards are very powerful, however, when you are restricted such as in War to have only a max of X copies of a certain card, it forces you to towards those less useful cards. So my opinion on how to make death better, would be to be able to find a card that synergies well enough with those dead cards to make them useful. I am thinking of something like this.
Permanent. 5

. When one of your creatures die, Give it's attack to another random creature you own.
I always thought that hte biggest problem about the Graveyard card is that the creatures it makes are useless. 2/2 skeletons that can't do anything. But what if, upon killing a bone dragon, you spawn a skeleton, and with this permanent, you gave that skeleton 10 additional attack? Vulture is currently very slow, but this can speed it up. This did not make the skeleton card useful, but then again I'm only human. This card also can be seen as CC protection as the attack of your creature stays on board. It will however still fail against AoE spells, since all creatures are dying.
An extra synergy it can have is to have a way to give attack to deathstalker in-element.