Being a Christian, I actually am rather bothered by you using images of Satan (demon) and Satanic worship (sacrifice) in your card images
Wow, are you serious? You wouldn't like that kind of imaginery in a freaking GAME because it offends your religion?
I'm speechless.
You're atheist, right? If a card "Jesus" with a picture of Jesus on it was created, with the effect "Preach the Word of God to the opponent's creatures; they have a 50% chance of converting to your side through the awe inspiring glory" or something along those lines, would you not like it? I'm not asking whether or not you could accept it, but would you like it?
No, I wouldn't like that kind of imagery in the game, particularly because it makes darkness look evil and as both BS and Kael have stated, darkness isn't evil.
I said it bothers me. I could get around it, but it would indeed bother me. I'm not one of those insane zealots that would run on a rampage "AMG Elements is satanic because it uses images of Satan and not Jesus!!! I Quit!!!!", but I can see how some people that don't know blood shadow's reasoning could see it that way. And if the game picked up steam, some Christian groups would see it that way too. So while
I would only be mildly bothered by it, it wouldn't be a good thing for the game at all.
Well, Puppy, I happen to be a vehement atheist; sorry for being blunt, but I care nothing, whatsoever, about Christianity as a whole. So if you fall victim to this "evil" stereotype, then I have nothing to say to you.
Your bluntness astounds me. I'm not bothered by you being atheist; in fact I have many atheist friends. But I am bothered by you being a "vehement" atheist that cares "nothing" about Christianity. A true leader (and I believe masters should have leader qualities) should be sympathetic and understanding, not biased and unmoving. A good atheist leader, in my view, would be one that reads the Bible in an attempt to understand more about Christianity and empathize with them, even if he disagrees with them. But that's all a bit off topic, so I'll stop there.
But I would also like to mention that you seem to be sending off different messages. Do you think darkness is evil, or not?
If you do, your images are fine.
If you don't, your images have a problem:
Even if they
aren't evil to you, to the common newb or player, they are. Instead of doing what's best for darkness, you choose to stand for your ideal that "demons aren't evil". Imo, a master of darkness would be able to set personal sentiments behind himself and recognize that even if he's right, nobody else will see it that way, so he might as well not do it.
As Kael has said, the definition of demon includes evil. That's a fact. You say they aren't. That's the equivalent of me saying 2+2=5, or saying to count you should go 1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5, 7, 9, 8. Me believing differently doesn't change the fact that 2+2 still equals 4, or that the number order is still 123456789.
For another example, using your rules, I could say
"You are an idiot that is crazy".
You don't take that well, do you? No, you shouldn't.
But I don't mean that! In my mind, idiot = dude, crazy = cool, just as demons =\= evil. Since we're ignoring definitions and all. So what I really meant is:
"You are a dude that is cool".
So you see, even if you intend something different, putting pictures of commonly accepted things as evil will still send out an evil vibe.