I knew this question seemed familiar, it's the same one ian asked last trials

Constructing manual quotes using BB-code is a pain, so don't mind the dates being wrong.
Question for everyone: Why?
Because I feel like it. That's the only reason I need.
1) Who is this 'None' and why do you think he/she is worthy? 
If you want to cast the Master of Darkness title into the void, then this is the choice for you. Seems like a shame to me.
2) What does your Element's Mark looks like to you, what impressions does it give to you?
Above all else, it's black. The markings on them resemble vampire bat wings and fangs to me, but I find the most important part to simply be that it's black. Impression:

3) What sort of card does your Element miss? (Designing that card is a bonus.)
Cards like Fractal and Shard of Patience would work so much better if they were in-element for Darkness. So basically a way to ramp damage and/or denial. One Devourer is cute, but a field full of Devourers is a force to be reckoned with.
Rushing or mass CC are missing aspects as well, especially since it's hard to create viable duos that let Darkness take advantage of other elements' options for this. You're generally better off overpowering the enemy with a strategy Darkness is better at, in the current meta. Having cost-efficient 3-4 cost attackers would be perfect for rushing, something like a mass Drain Life (just like Rain of Fire vs Fire Bolt) for mass CC. Rain of Blood...?

4) Who would be your ideal / most feared STANDIN? (For contestants who will surely face a STANDIN.)
The most feared STANDIN, would be me from a parallel universe that is not feeling sick and is on a sugar high from eating a lot of chocolate. They'd make fewer mistakes and predict every move I would want to make before I even make it, call every bluff and feint, know my deck before it is played. Of course, they'd still have fewer upgrades and get their ass kicked. So the ideal STANDIN would be someone else altogether, someone that is capable of enjoying their inevitable defeat

5) Make a nice scribble of your favorite card!
...what? One generally uses the verb scribble to scribble notes, last I checked. I see no compelling reason to expose my handwriting at its worst, like one would for self-intended notes. But if it's a drawing you want, I spent several hours on my P1 task o:
Task 1 art:
6) Who do you respect the best from your Element's previous masters?
It's hard for me to think of them as previous if they came after my first three Masterships, but I guess Odii. I never really knew Physsion, so he cannot qualify.