i know, i know but the question is, since unit is stepping down from the air master title, will the 2 best challangers at the end be allowed upgraded cards.
Yes. The final battle between two challengers will use upgraded cards.
THANK YOU! that was the answer i was waiting for!
Since you are wanting to participate in this trial, you might garner a little more attention if you actually
read the rules Instead of taking whatever answers were thrown at you.
My post clearly showed you the following rules, taken from sg's own post.
PHASE 4 - Final Battle
The Final Battle is "best-of-nine" meaning that the player who gets 5 wins first, wins the battle. If a Master wins, he or she retains the title. If a challenger wins, he or she becomes the new Master.
Deckbuilding rules:
- any amount of cards
- maximum amount of upgraded cards is the number of points a player scored during phases 1-3
- no shards
- at least half of the cards in your deck has to be from the element in question
- any mark
No offense meant, and I hope nobody takes this with them to the voting, but I really advise you to look over the rules again. Actually read them this time. The job of a Master isn't one that allows you to skim through everything, and just do nothing.
Edit: Made the part he needed to see bright red