Which image do you like better and why?
I definitely have to agree with Jenkar, the picture of the true sky will always show more of

Air than a cartoon. And even though the other is cuter, and has a lightning bolt, it will never be the real thing. Unless it turns into a Pokemon. And we start living with
real Pokemon 
One of the hardest Trials to vote for. Air is a really good element so it should do better in War. Initially I wanted to vote Hyroen, but as far as I know he has already had a few chances. Let's see if the current BL leader can bring Air to glory in War.
I've really only had one other chance, and that time QuantumT became Master of

Air. It --would-- be interesting to see how BL decks will do for

Air in War however.
1. Do you think is it thematically appropriate to Air to be solely limited to Weather Phenomena and Physical Concepts, or do you feel it could be expanded upon to cover other themesin Elements the Game?
2. Design a new card that you feel represents the more "Magical" side of Air. (Magical is open to your interpretation.)
A: Firstly Zblader, you'd have to understand the entire situation before judging. ^_^
1. I think it is thematically appropriate to include Weather Phenomena, Physical Concepts, Quanta Efficiency, Resource Liberty and Spell Manipulation, among other things, in

2. Firstly, I think every element has its "magical" side, dragons, bolts and spells come to mind, but yes,

Air deserves a little magic as well. Perhaps a little more mythical.
The magical concept in my opinion, perfectly describes the Sylph, which is why I have to present it again. Apologize the reused concept, I have like 27 Card Ideas for

Air, so it's hard not to be inspired by or not reuse the same ones. If you'd like however, I can present a new one. Feel free to ask. ^_^

Air has a strong mono (upped), while unupped it is famous for its shields (fog, wings). For both unupped and upped metagame, do you see Air as a "main" element or rather "supporting" role in a deck? How would you utilize this difference in War?
Air I see as a very efficient element, it whips out cards that are almost as "complete" as others such as Phase Shield, Dusk Shield and Lightning in a manner that normally require in-element quanta and less of it. In this sense it is of course natural to use it as support with cards like Shockwave, Fog Shield, and Wings. Though seeing as it has conveniently cheaper cards, it also works well as an element to use it as a mono.
As I've said before, quanta efficiency is one of

Air's apparent niches and would like to see it more developed.
In War, I would try to take advantage of

Air's effective cheap cards and those of other elements while including the gracious Azure Dragon and easily make a >50%

Air deck that would have a good chance of winning. Of course I'm not going to give away all my strategies though, but I have several nice

Air decks in the line-up. ^_^
Unstable Gas has two true hard counters: Jade Shield and Mirror Shield. Many players have a problem with this fact and insist that these cards should not have this kind of power because it makes the duel one-sided and unfair.
Q: Imagine for a moment that every single card in existence had no hard counter that corresponded to it. What would happen to the metagame? Would there even be a metagame? If hard counters did not exist, do you believe that some of the weaker PvP Elements would rise up due to a more balanced PvP environment?
In all honesty I've never seen hard counters as an entirely huge problem for the metagame. If cards with hard counters are used as the main strategy, one shouldn't be surprised if a Jade or Mirror Shield messes you over. When including Unstable Gases in my decks I try to see ways to make it such that I might have another win condition than just exploding them to death.
I support the existence of hard counters because they provide strong weakness each deck can have and thus no deck will be superior, however I would prefer to see counters a little softer than direct and specific ones such as Jade and Mirror shield, much in the same way Nightmare counters Fractal.
Hard counters are the card equivalent to saying "Hah, I've got this so I basically win", which in my opinion is equal to Scissors cutting through paper, there's no strategy involved, you either have it or you don't.
The inclusion of Ghost of the Past actually made people think. When stuck with them in your hand, you had to consider two options: "Do I mess my strategy or suffer the HP loss?" These types of cards enhance gameplay far more than those that are simply Rocks, Papers or Scissors.
If no hard counters existed, but
mezzo-counters did, the metagame would still exist, and perhaps even be improved. Their removal would of course "buff" the
cards affected, but may also allow more strategic mechanisms, further developing the themes of each element.
What do you tihnk of / how would you improve this : Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5od 5od 5od 5od 5of 5of 5of 5of 5of 5op 5op 5op 5op 5op 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 61r 61r 61r 61r 61r 622 622 622 8pu
A: I told you I would take my time because I felt like this would be a perfect opportunity to do a little deck testing.
Firstly, the deck you presented has the following stats:

Please keep in mind the AI used is AI3. As for the table, you may ignore the following categories, as there may be false, misleading or confusing information:
- Upgraded [X/Y]
- xf
- Deck Strength
Unfortunately, your deck suffers from serious quanta starvation. I would personally rather be overquanta-ed than underquanta-ed, because at least your strategy can moderately develop being overquanta-ed. The factors that negatively affected your deck is the inability to play cards and the fact that this deck can't handle permanents well.
I decided to make the following changes to the deck and only included 9 upgraded cards:

As you can see, just 9 upgraded cards, some more focus in the deck, and a little more defense really turned things around. Though this deck is still a preliminary test and I wouldn't say it's the best option, it's certainly one of the more effective ones. If you'd like, I can report to you what my final findings are for Damselicious after 50 games. As for your deck, let's just say that I took those 8 losses for you. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this deck and keep exploring.
And yes, these are but few screenshots from the legendary deck testing file I keep referring to. ^_^