1) Who is this 'None' and why do you think he/she is worthy?
None is the sad reality of what happens when neither of us are qualified - which I certainly don't think in the case of air this year.2) What does your Element's Mark looks like to you, what impressions does it give to you?
The air mark looks like a pair of wings, or even a migrating bird if you look the right way. Just like migrating birds, air is an element about being together, working with others, and cooperation while still being free to fly. 3) What sort of card does your Element miss? (Designing that card is a bonus.)
Air is really missing two key things, big hitters and PC. While Air has a functional dragon like many other elements, and Wyrm can be a decent hitter in a pinch, especially upgraded, beefy cards are usually overlooked in favor or well, light, airy cards.
I'd create PC for air using some sort of theiving magpie that steals enemy permanents in flavor (in practice destroying them, the magpie doesn't share even with you).4) Who would be your ideal / most feared STANDIN? (For contestants who will surely face a STANDIN.)
As I'm about to address in #5, Afdarenty means Air to me. The times we had together in War are a huge part of why I'm in this trial this year, and he's an all time great. It would be an honor to face him as standin.5) Who do you respect the best from your Element's previous masters?
While Justa was one of the most famous air masters, he was largely before my time. For me, the one true Air great was Afda, who was the first General I played under in a war, at a time when I was still pretty new to the community. The ups and downs of that war, the friendships we made especially with Afda and iancu, and the feeling of teamwork defined my time in this community more than any of my own personal successes. With one final trials, in tribute to Afda and the team we had, I ultimately couldn't imagine myself in any other element this time. 6) Why is the element you are trialing for your favorite? If it's a different element than the one you last trialed for, why the switch?
It's been a while since the last time I trialed, and I've trialed for several elements over the years. As I just addressed in the last question, my time on Afda's team Air is what I look back and see as my defining moment as an elements player and community member. I'd love nothing more than the chance to "rise" as a follower of air.7) Which card from your element has the most sex appeal? Feel free to support your claim with as much or little evidence as you like.
If I said anything other than Damselfly, I'd be lying.8) Who is the community member that best represents your element that hasn't been associated with your element already?
There's a number of people it could be, but I can see Joey (formerly jijo) as an Air player under a different set of circumstances.9) How would you imagine your perfect Avatar-esque element fighting style?
Ignoring the already existing airbending, I'd imagine a style that's based around gradual floating around and evasion, punctuated by brutal impressive jabs, before quickly getting out again.
A very float like a butterfly, sting like a bee setup.