To everyone who isn't playing STANDINs, who would you have liked to trial against?
To everyone who isn't playing in their favourite element/have ever trialed in a different element, why should I pick you over someone who loves the element more?
I don't PvP much so personally I can't really judge raw strength and hence I won't evaluate it much when voting
Just answered in previous post, Afda, or Manuel.
Well, no one else is trialing so N/A?
Here we go, all the classics:
Is the element you have trialed for your favorite?
If not, why have you chosen to trial for this particular element over your favorite?
What does the element you trial for represent to you?
In elements history, many have coupled being a Master to being War general, but there was a time when it was considered much more than that to some people.
What does being a Master mean to you?
What qualities do you expect from a Master, and do you aspire to live up to?
No. I don't really have favorites. There are elements i enjoy playing with, and air is one of them, out of quite a few. I dont really know what it represents, i dont think that deep, its just a game. I can write multi paragraphs about how without oxygen we cant live and air is so refreshing and what not, but that's all waffle that i'd write in my exam answeres XD
I still consider Master and war general being important, which is why I've always generaled the trial i have won. I will continue to do the same, given i continue to have enough time. Qualities from a master? just all the attributes I'd like in any other player/person in general.